I sound like WHAT!!!!!!!!



I have escaped the EVIL Empire State!
FABO Gold Member
Jun 21, 2005
Reaction score
rumble, can't get your link to work..........
I think you did a great job and your Ax-cent is as it should be.
Good job Rob :cheers:
Where exactly is this Long Gyeland place anyway??? Mengia, beautiful!

LOL, ex-islander huh?

Thanks Ramcharger. (Geezzzz, I gotta rely on a guy on the otherside of the country, he he he.)

Mike said it well and funny, LINY accent! We be fine.....:cheers:
No problem Rumble. I used to sound like the guys on the "Bill Swerki's Superfans" on Saturday Night Live. Da Bears, lol!
I sounded something like that when I first learned how to talk. Better than having no accent though, I suppose. DEFINITELY better than having a Pennsylvania Redneck accent, that's for sure :puke:. Made me wanna barf every time I talked with somebody who grew up in a hick part of Central PA (no offense to natives of that area, some of them were cool people).
lol...I have met alot of people that sound exactly like you, Rob.
In my USAF tour of duty alot of guys from Boston, and New Jersey sound very similar in accent.

Condolenses to the victims of that horric crash.
Hey Rob,f you're worried about your accent,come down to the Mo./Ark. area. Memike and I will teach you to talk normal.
Hey Rob,f you're worried about your accent,come down to the Mo./Ark. area. Memike and I will teach you to talk normal.

LOL, I may just do that for a week on vaction.

Adam, he chased him down Old Medford ave. The perp. wreck @ that road and Horseblock rd. Police chases are allways under the microscope and underfire. This was probably the worst case in a worst case disaster. I'm glad his kids were at school instead of in the car.

LOL @ BlackAce. Ya, thereyago, Badabing!