I think I am gonna re-enlist for 5 more years

My bro-in-law stayed in the for the full 20 for the retirement. He made E8 (Navy) and was considering staying another five to hit E9, but figured it wasn't worth it. If you ask him, it was the best move he made. Retirement coming from the Navy plus a well paying job now. The retirement helped keep him going when one plant shut down and he moved to another one. The service reputation also got him his current job which impressed the hell out of his employer and boosted him right through the ranks.

Just my .02 cents. Good luck whatever you decide now or down the road, and thanks.
All I can Add is a huge thanks for everything you do to ensure our freedoms that so many take for granted. Thanks Dusted!!!!!
I am a Canadian and I fully realize that my U.S. brothers carry the brunt of the resonsibility for my freedom as I know it I must say Thank You !!!
As far as reenlisting dude you are some kind of Man!!! And yoe deserve any perk that comes with the Task. God Loves you and so does man kind!!!
