I want one!


pk socal

Jun 23, 2008
Reaction score
Hi Everyone,

I've wanted a Dodge Dart since I was a kid. A neighbor had a 2-door with a push button transimission (which I still think is the coolest thing ever invented).

I'm a newbie. I built a VW/Manx dune buggy a few years ago and now I'm looking at retirment and thinking that it is a good time to try something a little more satisfying (fustrating).

I'm leaning toward a 63 or 64 Dart or Valiant with a /6 and push button automatic. I haven't decided on a 2 dr./4dr. or convertible yet. I think that when I find the right car I'll just know it.

I'm still doing my research so any pointers on parts suppliers and web sites would definitely be appreciated. I'd also appreciate advice on things to avoid (like convertibles are extremely dificult to work with and get parts for etc.).
Welcome aboard!

Hope you can find the A-body that will fit your needs.

You might check out the for sale section.

Again, welcome and enjoy the site.
Welcome pk, I hope you find your ride soon.
ya never know where one will just pop up around here.:-D
Enjoy this great site.:cheers:
Hey pksocal -
We're neighbors! Welcome to FABO - sent you a PM
Thanks for the welcome everyone.

I can see that this is a great online community and resource. When I find my car, I'll post pictures and ask lots of questions.
Welcome! You will like it here.:-D Good luck finding your A body. It took me 12 years to find the one for me (& my budget)!!