Ideal Quench?



Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2008
Reaction score
Bavaria / Germany
Hi Guys,

with my actual head gasket the quench area is .026" between the closed chamber head and the piston (KB356, Quench Pad machined to zero deck). With this gasket (Mopar thin one, 0.026" compressed) i´m at 10.4:1 cr.

Now i wonder what makes more sense: keep this setup or change to a thicker head gasket to achieve 0.039" quench? If my math is correct i will have 10:1 cr with the thicker gasket. Somewhere i read ideal quench should be .039"

What do you think will make better overall power (if there is a difference at all....)?

Thanks for input!

.026" isn't enough room. You're gonna smack the head with the piston at high rpm.
Most piston manufacturers I have read call for between about .035 to .040 for best quench. nothing less than about .035.
At high temp and hi rpm, you're gonna have all kindsa piston noise, and not the good kind ..

.040" to.045" allows for rod stretch, carbon build-up and other variables

and what they said ^ ^ ^ ^
:pale:....thanks you very much for this info. Sometimes it´s good to ask someone who knows......will get some other gaskets with .039" compressed thickness.

Anybody knows a good one with 4.060" bore size and mentioned thickness?

Thanks a lot!
