Idiot stuck in the snow, funny classic!

If those kids were part of the Donner Party, I am sure everyone would have been in agreement that they should be the first to be eaten ... because they are such dumbasses.
I love that one every time I see it. I love the sound it makes as it peels the rear of that car off. It reminds me of peeling a hard boiled egg.
This is the video that got me watching YouTube years ago...
That was funny, Reminds me of a time we went mudding. He took his Toyota Corrola out in the mud and got stuck, I had ot pull him out. Well lets just say he didn't hook the chain to any thing solid and i ripped his bummper off and the lower panel
jeez the snow was bearly around the front of the car they just have to learn how to drive! around my area if you got stuck in that you would be considered the village idiot
Dumbass! :bootysha:

That would never happen to a Dart!

Learning lifes lessons and teaching your friends at the same time?
Slow motion reruns after it was recorded so they can go back and view the rest of their lives, parents too,..........PRICELESS!!!:cheers:
Spring 1997 we had one of those city closing snow storms. Of course, a buddy and I HAD to go to a freinds place to jam and party, so we head out in the 71 Dart in the blinding snow. About half way there, while trying to get moving from a redlight, my peglegger swung the rear against the curb, and I couldn't move. Immediately, a guy in a brandy new GMC 4x pulls up behind me, and offers to push me forward to get some traction, as long as I wouldn't complain if a little bumper damage was done. HELL! It's my winter beater, push away! So as I'm sittin there straightening the wheel, my arse end takes a bump and next thing I know is a foot off the ground. Well, when I got out to survey the damage, I looked at the fron of his truck. Bent the bumper down, smashed the grille, left headlight bezel, broke the bulb and dented the front of his hood. I was ticked, the rubber bumperette on mine was ripped, but I didn't show it. For some reason, he was upset and drove off. Sitting behind him were two fellows in a late 80s Ram, laughing their arses off. The old guy hops out with a chain, pulls me back two feet and all was good. Of course I offered the guys some cash, but they told me that seeing the expression of the other driver when I took out his front end, was payment enough.

Thats nice! To funny. Out in Glamis me see a lot of people try to drive out in the sand with 40+psi in there tires. They get the thing nice and stuck. Then we go out and tell them to lower there tires down to 10 or less psi and they drive right out of there. LOL
Give me a steel/chrome bumper any time-not a plastic 5 mph impact urethane bumper. It's not your fathers bumper any more...
I was with one of my younger brothers one time in his Dodge van and one of his buddies in a front wheel something wa stuck in the snow. My brother offered to pull him out but he wasn't gonna set the tow strap - that was up to his buddy. I didn't see where the guy attached the strap but sure LMAO when the guy's driver's half shaft got pulled right out from under the car.