If only...



Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2011
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Looking forelornly out the window at my Valiant buried in the snow...thinking to myself, "If only I had more space"..."and time"..."and money"..."and skill"...

Looking forelornly out the window at my Valiant buried in the snow...thinking to myself, "If only I had more space"..."and time"..."and money"..."and skill"...

A snow shovel is cheap, and ain’t that complicated to use… LOL Show her a little love, and dig the old girl out in time for Valentines’ day.
I was still driving it on Friday morning, pre-blizzard. It makes a lotta people smile seeing that car being driven even in the snow. It'll gonna be a long shoveling to make it onto the street again. I'm hoping for a little melting assistance.
The skill part comes from doing - then doing it over 'til it's right.

It almost never snows here!

Of course 1/2' of snow and/or sleet and the town is shut down!


i wish i could sit and stare at my dart burried. I had to bury mine out. .....Daily driver problems....

Wow, how much snow did you get? My yard ranged from 2' to 4'. It has already melted significantly.
The skill part comes from doing - then doing it over 'til it's right.
My only skills are "I'll try not to screw that up again". The internet makes things easy, with experts and videos on youtube showing just about anything. You just have to buy a few tools and spend time processing information. Most people are just too jiggy to get anything accomplished.