If you won the Powerball lotto what would you do with all the cash?

I always wanted a strip club ,with quality food

and have a laundry mat next to it, come in and wash your clothes and while you are waiting for them get a drink a good meal and some bouncing boobies.
Stick it all in a savings account and live off the interest for the rest of my life.

Have a big party at an exotic retreat for all my family and friends.

Set up an annuity for family members and certain friends and pay for college.

Set up a foundation for worthy causes, especially those that help children. Build a center for teens to learn from mentors to work on cars.

Buy an island and other secure, self-sufficient properties. Set up a sky-diving facility. Have homes built that are modern, unique, comfortable and practical. Nothing showy.

Buy a modest size RV and travel all over North America. Take trips to foreign places.

Buy and sell my favorite Mopars.
Brilliant! and i'll start a food truck. Soylent Sandwiches!

Soylent Green sammiches.

In all seriousness, we came into a fairly large sum of money many years ago. We helped three friends out. All three are now no longer our friends. There are actually passages in The Bible that advise against doing that. Not trying to preach or anything......but there are a lot of good lessons to live by in The Bible whether you're a believer or not. Kitty and I talk about that from time to time. It's funny how it worked out.
can't win if you don't play and I don't. lol
Soylent Green sammiches.

In all seriousness, we came into a fairly large sum of money many years ago. We helped three friends out. All three are now no longer our friends. There are actually passages in The Bible that advise against doing that. Not trying to preach or anything......but there are a lot of good lessons to live by in The Bible whether you're a believer or not. Kitty and I talk about that from time to time. It's funny how it worked out.

Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

They say most people who win the lottery are worse off because of it, but it'd be nice to dream of winning.(even though i don't play.)
First I'd invest, get set up to live off the earnings. Second thing I'd do would be to move the hell out of Odessalation Tx. I'd be a completely useless bastid for a year or so, but eventually I'd have to find something to do. What that would be, can't say. I can state with some confidence it wouldn't be working on nasty stinkin' oilpatch pumps in the desert lol.
give half to my wife then say goodbye??

That made me lol.

The obvious for me, take care of the part of the family that still likes me, set my kids up comfortably, get my dad a proper headstone, start a charity that I control where the money goes as I simply do not trust the ones we have.

After that I would have a house built, nothing fancy but I would want it on a couple hundred acres and I would want the house self sufficient, land that I could live off from crops and cattle. Next would be a nice garage to work on and store my list of classic and muscle cars.
pay the pilot of air force one when Obama was on a trip to NEVER land back in the united states and then throw a party!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I would buy a bunch of heavy equipment then go to disaster areas in the United States and help for free.

I'm a simple guy, so i'd prob finish paying off home loan, set my wife and i up for retirement, get my.property professionally landscaped, sprinklers put in, get the car port i have been wanting, new loaded dodge caravan for the wife,.and get my cuda done. I would also give a large amount to my church youth program.
I got a house all picked out close to me. Huge home mega garage. Would just like to pull up knock on the door and ask how much for you people to get out... Lol For starters....
Don't know, but boy would I like the chance to find out.
If there was any one thing I would do, it would a huge donation to a particular Veterans organization. They have a program that helps out kids, seems every year they struggle to fund it, but they always pull it off. I would love to put an end to that worry.
Lose 150 pounds so I can enjoy the cash a few extra years. Buy my dad a 50 Merc (he had to sell his to afford my birth). Give my wife the kitchen she always wanted. I would take care of a few people I know that have proven over and over they are good souls and caring of others before themselves. I think I would start an organization that would study and call out the problems with our government and fix obvious problems. I think fixing government would have a trickle down affect that would help the people that deserve it.
And of coarse, everyone on FABO gets a chunk of cash.
I would pay off my debts and build a half way house for women that won't go all of the way.
The rest would go into the bank while i decided what to do from there.
first call would be to work to tell them I won't be in. Ever.

second call would be to order one of these:

then...who knows lol.
2000 sq ft house, 10,000 sq ft garage. And a lift! That laying on the cement floor gets way old.
I'd take care of Mom and Dad,...Set up a Trust fund for my relatives,...Make some of My friends Millionares,...Buy up the old abandoned Chrysler dealership in the next town over and Open a business called "Abnormal Auto",...specializing in offbeat, different, rare, uncommon, manual transmission vehicles,....None of todays jelly bean shaped turds that are crowding today's roads, thats fer sure,....

Then I'd get me a place to ski up north, and a beach house down south,...save enough for a new liver as needed...