I'm a famous rock star....in my head LOL!

This is me 2 weeks ago making some noise out on the east end of Long Island.... The only way I'll stop is when either the fingers, or mind... stop working.

Spaz, you rock! NEVER sell yourself short. Every time I see someone with one of those dopey Guitar Heros plastic thingys hanging around their neck it looks about as appealing as going to a strip club to see transvestites. Actually PLAYING is more than most people can dream of. Doing it at all is an accomplishment. Be proud... crank it LOUD. :-D

Thanks, fastback340, you have a way with words, ha, ha. transvestites!

That guitar looks like it was made for some shredding, Looks like you're laying it down nasty in that pic.

I tried the guitar hero thing, and I can't play it for crap so I hand it off to one of the kids, plug in and play constant solos to the songs they play along with.
The only thing about the rock star game that I'm thankful for is the fact that it is not chalk full of all that whiner rock that all the emo kids are slicing themselves all up over.
I'm pissed because they took Geddy Lee's voice out of Tom Sawyer and replaced it with some dweebs voice. rant off.
Just caught your video. Nice work. Now you'll only need a bassist and drummer to round things out. :cheers:
That guitar looks like it was made for some shredding, Looks like you're laying it down nasty in that pic.

I'm the Bassist (American-Made Fender Precision) I think the guitar your refering to is my buddy Cesar's Ibanez Xyphois. And yeah... he lays it down pretty F`in nice.

Man, we sure do make some nice noise... :-D
I'm the Bassist (American-Made Fender Precision) I think the guitar your refering to is my buddy Cesar's Ibanez Xyphois. And yeah... he lays it down pretty F`in nice.

Man, we sure do make some nice noise... :-D


Yes, I've tried the bass, it is much harder than one would think because you have to hit the right low or high tone, much different than the guitar.
I suck at bass, well, I still need alot of work on guitar too but it's nice to have someone to practice and goof around with.

My fingers are like ground meat after getting that one bend right..ouch!!