I'm driving down road and...



Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2005
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Some little bastard 10 year old decides it would be a good idea to throw rocks at cars on I-75. He got four of us before I chased him up an overpass and thru a fence and almost caught him. My arms and legs were all scratched up. I was sick about it for three days. My insurance will pay 100% since it was vandalism, but my car will be down for a month at least.


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Let's hope you scared enough out him that he'll look for something else to do.

That is very serious ,could kill someone like on a motorcycle.
Did you phone the cops?
10 years ago or so a kid threw a pumpkin off an pedestrian over pass at a school bus
and killed the driver,no one was on board. Bus was traveling 65 mph.

That sucks but just as well you didn't catch the little s##t. The parents would try to have you arrested for assaulting their little angel. You think parents would teach their kids to respect other peoples things. Thank your lucky stars it wasn't bigger rock and came through the windshield.
Yea years ago my father and sister were driving on the freeway and someone thrown a brick off of a overpass and went through the windshield and landed on my sister. Thank god it was just scratches. Dont think they ever got the kids that did that.
I had a brick thrown from below onto I-75 in Tampa back in 07 that took out my grill, and put two big dents on my Brand new 07 Dodge Cummins 4x4. Truck had 110 miles on it! I was driving thru the Hood part of town.
Don't get dicked around. If that is a base/clear the repair needs to be made, then a blend on the roof and the car MUST have the roof and both quarters cleared or the clear will fail (in a few years) where they burn it in (most likely where the pillar narrows by the back-glass).

Most shops won't tell you this and no insurance company will say a word about it.

Just remember, you are entitled to PRE LOSS condition.
I did stupid things as a kid but never dumb crap like this. Glad you didn't get hurt. Hopefully your car will make a speedy recovery.
that sux... kids do dumb things

I *vividly* remember throwing pea gravel at cars driving by on a residential street when i was ~5yrs old. I remember the driver of a brown LTD~ish car slamming on the brakes skidding to a stop and coming after me. Then Dad calming him down until he heard what i did. Lets just say that my parents did teach me better and i was "adequately reminded" of it. I don't remember being punished just that i was in HUGE trouble and scared.

Here's hoping the that 10yr old boy's near death experience was enough to learn him the same lesson. Sadly i doubt it.
One of the reasons to keep an eye on the overpasses. See someone standing on an overpass, change lanes at the last moment. Can't change lanes, bite the shoulder.

Too many people have been killed by s*** like this and the killer can get away scott free as it's damn near impossible to find out who it was.

Man, this kind of thing burns my ***. Ten you say? Old enough to know better. Old enough to where if the little f***er winds up hurting someone his parents should be held responsible. Hopefully your chase with him scared the s*** out of and he'll think twice.
Many overpasses have the high fences now for this very reason...

I'd heard one in the news years ago where some kids dropped a CINDER BLOCK off an overpass. Yes they killed someone in the car they hit.
I just got my car out of the body shop one winter when I was in my 20's. I was driving under a limestone cliff with a huge set of steps running up it. All of a sudden snowballs started raining down, pelting my car. I was pissed, but kept driving until I got around the curve. Then I hammered it, drove all the way to the top and parked a block away. I found a piece of heater hose and folded it in two and snuck across the walkway. I saw five kids hunkered down watching for more cars. They saw me and ran. I chased them and caught 3 of them before the others gave up. I gave them an *** chewing and let them go having learned their lesson. It could have been rocks and someone could have been hurt. I'm sad about your damage, but all in all, I'm more happy you weren't hurt. I still wish you would have caught the little bastard!
Thanks everyone! My wife was with me and if it would hit about 12 inches further back and a little lower she would have been hit in the head. She had her window open, not that the glass would have been much protection. I phoned the cops but they didn't show up for 2 hours. Property damage calls have a low priority I guess.
I took it to get a estimate today and he agreed that quarters roof and sail panels would have to be clear coated. I have to find a windshield gasket and the stainless trim. It's a 67 but I installed the 68 trim and gasket. He won't be able to get to it until after labor day.