im not to pleased

I understand completely how hard you guys worked and think that you should get a lot more than you get!
Sound like the market is going to be corrected for the price of lobster.
You have the freedom to set your own price for your lobster, and they have the freedom not to pay it, but everyone needs to eat.
The people offering you the low price may be doing so because they are facing the same dilemma upstream in the business chain. The only way for you to get more from them is to stand firm on your price, and everyone else needs to also, then the laws of supply and demand will take over and the shortage will drive the price up.

Just make sure you know what the price will be before you sail and good luck.
I know where you are coming from..when I lobster-ed in Yarmouth County in 1982, we were at least 10 bucks a pound...some one is still making the big bucks, just not the folks that fish them.

I wish you well.

Sound like the market is going to be corrected for the price of lobster.
You have the freedom to set your own price for your lobster, and they have the freedom not to pay it, but everyone needs to eat.
The people offering you the low price may be doing so because they are facing the same dilemma upstream in the business chain. The only way for you to get more from them is to stand firm on your price, and everyone else needs to also, then the laws of supply and demand will take over and the shortage will drive the price up
Just make sure you know what the price will be before you sail and good luck.
you are so correct no boats will be fishing until we get a shore price set we cant cave this shutdown is maritime wide with great support history is being made over 2500 maritime boats are tied up never before has this happened

I know where you are coming from..when I lobster-ed in Yarmouth County in 1982, we were at least 10 bucks a pound...some one is still making the big bucks, just not the folks that fish them.

I wish you well.

thanks for your support
new update all 1100 pei fishers are tied to the wharfs and nova scotia and new brunswick ane following suite we will leave the lobsters in the ocean we are not giving them away anymore if there is no price increase by tuesday all pei traps will be landed we are asking 1999 price of 5.00 per the pics we have all processors blocked of with our boats so no trucks of lobster can be delivered.this is a peacefull protest .there is a meeting in charlottown today and fishers from all 3 provincess will attend i will keep this updated.

Prayers sent for a successful outcome of your strike. There is no reason to screw over the little man.
Good luck with your fight. I hope you get your price. I have not heard much about it here in Maine, and we have a fair share of lobstermen too, but I hope our guys arent caving and selling low. I dont watch the news much but I am going to look into it to see what is happening here. I'll try to check prices tomorrow and post where they are at here. I know prices were at an all time low here in the stores last year but I havent checked where they are at recently. Best of luck to ya.
Sorry to hear Jim, I chkd prices at Local Co-op here in Saskatchewan...small frozen lobster..maybe a pound and its $15! Good luck with your fight!!
Good luck with your fight. I hope you get your price. I have not heard much about it here in Maine, and we have a fair share of lobstermen too, but I hope our guys arent caving and selling low. I dont watch the news much but I am going to look into it to see what is happening here. I'll try to check prices tomorrow and post where they are at here. I know prices were at an all time low here in the stores last year but I havent checked where they are at recently. Best of luck to ya.

Sorry to hear Jim, I chkd prices at Local Co-op here in Saskatchewan...small frozen lobster..maybe a pound and its $15! Good luck with your fight!!
thanks guys support means alot right now
Hey Aaron,

You guys are in the news for sure. I hope it gets better for you.

I just bought some live lobster at Misty Harbour Seafoods. These were market size lobster. Here are their retail prices.

Markets -- Live $6 per pound
Cooked $7 per pound

Jumbos (5 lbs or bigger) and culls (one claws) live $5.50 per pound

Hey Aaron,

You guys are in the news for sure. I hope it gets better for you.

I just bought some live lobster at Misty Harbour Seafoods. These were market size lobster. Here are their retail prices.

Markets -- Live $6 per pound
Cooked $7 per pound

Jumbos (5 lbs or bigger) and culls (one claws) live $5.50 per pound


I feel your pain, but if this is what retailers are selling for I don't see much room for a price bump. If the price goes up, on your end, then it will go up for the consumer. Which may hurt the demand and may end up hurting you more. It is tough all the way around. You get 3 then retail gets 6 and part of that went to the wholesaler. I don't think anybody is getting rich. JMO
If there is no profit in it for the guy's who go and get them may as well shut the whole damn thing down. Plain and Simple! Paying out of your pocket to supply these bugs to the market clearly does not make any sense. Sad to say but I think it is time to find something else to do if someone is going broke to keep a job. Suxxxx
If there is no profit in it for the guy's who go and get them may as well shut the whole damn thing down. Plain and Simple! Paying out of your pocket to supply these bugs to the market clearly does not make any sense. Sad to say but I think it is time to find something else to do if someone is going broke to keep a job. Suxxxx
That's the way I look at it....doesn't make good business sense to go into the hole trying to make a buck. If people want to eat lobster, they are just going to have to pay for it. Been a long time for me to eat it and will probably be even longer. It amazes me how the gooberment can say we have no inflation when it's costing so much more to live. Well, they don't count food and fuel prices in the inflation index is how they do it but man, EVERYTHING has gone up so why are they lying to us?? I hate politicians....
shore price everywhere else4.85 plus pei is 2.75 to 3.00 our processors buy lobster from everywhere they can get it they buy maine softshell lobster for 5.50 er lb truck it here and we land hard shell lobster 75ft fron their backdoor for 2.75 to 3.00 we just want to know why. and as far as quallity goes we have the best quallity lobster in the world with the science to back the claim from the pei vet college as the highest blood protein and 30 percent meat yeild they last longer for shipping and chilled live storeage.
If there is no profit in it for the guy's who go and get them may as well shut the whole damn thing down. Plain and Simple! Paying out of your pocket to supply these bugs to the market clearly does not make any sense. Sad to say but I think it is time to find something else to do if someone is going broke to keep a job. Suxxxx
i know what your saying and maybe your right but i am a 6th gen fisherman and i will fight this till i have nothing but the big guy will never get my license which is a privilage they will never get
Hey Aaron,

You guys are in the news for sure. I hope it gets better for you.

I just bought some live lobster at Misty Harbour Seafoods. These were market size lobster. Here are their retail prices.

Markets -- Live $6 per pound
Cooked $7 per pound

Jumbos (5 lbs or bigger) and culls (one claws) live $5.50 per pound

thanks jack

I feel your pain, but if this is what retailers are selling for I don't see much room for a price bump. If the price goes up, on your end, then it will go up for the consumer. Which may hurt the demand and may end up hurting you more. It is tough all the way around. You get 3 then retail gets 6 and part of that went to the wholesaler. I don't think anybody is getting rich. JMO
what prics you see here is local prices before they hit the brokers and they tripple the price for just flippin them the consumer price is higher now than it was when shore price was 7.00 per lb.
In all fairness to Aaron's point, the prices I listed are local prices and the local market is a very small part of the total retail market. They have to sell them cheaper here because we can go to the fisherman and buy them at his price which is usually 50 cents per pound more than what the buyers give him. So the profit margin for retail here is much closer to the buyers price at the wharf. I think that makes sense. Maybe not.

I saw a flyer for a local supermarket and they had them on sale at $5.77/lb for market lobster.

I agree with Aaron that we have the best lobster in the world in this area, I think the spring lobster from the Bay of Fundy is by far the best lobster on the planet. I have eaten fresh caught lobster from a lot of places and none compare to here.

here in Cincinnati, live lobster is $26.99 a lb.
you can't get any way but cooked here. they do it on the spot.
If you buy some gunbunny, tell them to cook them like this. 12 minutes for the first lb a lobster weighs, then 2 minutes extra for every lb after that. So if you have a 4 lb lobster you would cook it for 18 minutes after the water starts to boil. If you have 10, one lb lobster you would cook them all at the same time for 12 minutes. Make sure they either use sea water to cook them in or use lots of salt, and I mean lots. In a 5 gallon pot, I will use over a cup of salt.

This situation stinks, and I for one (of many I'm sure) hope that the prices improve for you right away!

Thanks for yoUr hard work to bring this tasty treat to us!
Well Aaron I figured you were in this PEI mess, you could even call it a "f***en" mess...wish you all the best and hope you guys win at least something cause they are definitely trying to rip you guys off and ruin the fishery. Hope to see you in July.
Oh by the way for mothers day weekend lobsters go for $5.77 per lb here too
Wishing you the best of luck. I love lobster, haven't had any in quite some time and on my imitation crab meat budget I probably won't be eating any soon.
In all fairness to Aaron's point, the prices I listed are local prices and the local market is a very small part of the total retail market. They have to sell them cheaper here because we can go to the fisherman and buy them at his price which is usually 50 cents per pound more than what the buyers give him. So the profit margin for retail here is much closer to the buyers price at the wharf. I think that makes sense. Maybe not.

I saw a flyer for a local supermarket and they had them on sale at $5.77/lb for market lobster.

I agree with Aaron that we have the best lobster in the world in this area, I think the spring lobster from the Bay of Fundy is by far the best lobster on the planet. I have eaten fresh caught lobster from a lot of places and none compare to here.


Are you guys still allowed to buy right from the fisherman? They stopped that practice down here a few years ago. Some fishermen still do it but if they get caught they can loose much more than just lobster so most fishermen don't even bother.