im not to pleased

dont blame to police the fishery yourself and stick together for support, and you see that here on the south shore.......good luck man
tignish pei and sea cow pond pei went fishing. the piece of **** bastards ruined it for everyone its all over but the cryin the price is even lower now i wish i had a tanker load of liquid **** now i would paint that pos town from end to end.just to make this clear only tignish and sea cow pond caved and a few nb ports left. pei and nova scotia held strong

It's the same old story Aaron. Those guys that cave in and go pull traps can't get past the me me thinking. They can't see the long term at all. They want their money and they want it now. Even if it is less.
I heard the story on the news this morning. Don't hold your breath for anything happening from the politicians. They don't do anything for the little guy.

we all knew the rotten bastards would cave first they ruin the tuna fisheriey every year by fishing tuna in july when the quality is low and ruining the market for us guys who try to land quality products worth money why they do it the tuna hang out on a ledge on there back door.this is far from over this is a hard pill to swallow this will burn my *** for many many years to come and francais morriassy owner of royal star fisheries in tignish should be shot
No matter how much they land, if it cost more than they get paid they are still losing $s.

Even thought I am from PEI, I lobstered in Yarmouth County. I now live in the Annapolis valley and you see fisherman selling from the back of their trucks all the time in New Minas.

Apparently, here in NS, we are setting up some sort of counsel to see what is going on.

My support is behind you.
next week lobsters wil be under 2.00 wait and see they will make us pay now they regained control and will stomp us like maggots 100 tignish boats f@#$ ed it for over 3000 fisherman they will never pay us more than 3.00 now ever .they r tryin to starv us out and turn this into a corperate fishery 4 or 5 super boats fishing all of the maritime waters this is the beginning of the end for us.
I hope not Aaron. What you do is a way of life here in the Maritimes. It would be a lot different place without you guys and others that do things only Maritimers do.

thanks jack lets hope some good comes out of this not only bad feelings the big guys knew a few ports would cave if they held out. the last lobster strike in sw nova took 9 days and they got what they wanted.the ports that caved only tied upfor 3 days while all the others tied up for 6. we just were getting maine and con were coming on side this week.
If you buy some gunbunny, tell them to cook them like this. 12 minutes for the first lb a lobster weighs, then 2 minutes extra for every lb after that. So if you have a 4 lb lobster you would cook it for 18 minutes after the water starts to boil. If you have 10, one lb lobster you would cook them all at the same time for 12 minutes. Make sure they either use sea water to cook them in or use lots of salt, and I mean lots. In a 5 gallon pot, I will use over a cup of salt.

Hey Jack, how is everybody and how is that blown monster coming along?
Question: Do you use coarse salt or table salt when cooking lobster?
Hey Jack, how is everybody and how is that blown monster coming along?
Question: Do you use coarse salt or table salt when cooking lobster?
i use course picklin salt jean -guy but fine is good also
My Dad had 5 pots "just for fun" (with a sportsman license or whatever they call it)
It was fun but man that's hard, dirty work. Thanks for doing it.