Im slow ... I hate dail up



Asa style
Jun 19, 2010
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Don't matter
:hello2:Man the computer sucks !!!! There are so many threads i cant look at Members Restorations i dont even look there cuz i know i would be there all day to load most of the pagies in there . 5 year old computer and dial up dont mix . im just ranting bout some thing i can do nothing bout its 3:30 in the morinng mite have some thing to do with it lol . Well any one out there still running the same thing i am .. this mit be one of my stuped posts but hay i cant sleep and im bord deal with it lol ... i have to post some thing b4 i go nuts .. Oh wate i already have lol .. Man im on a roll wheres the butter lmao i know that was corny but i dont care lol im just tipeing to tipe i guess .. what ever pops in my head is what im puting down here . hmmmm Im thinking of what to say well im sure i know some how cliff will ahve some thing smart a$$ to say bout this post lol Just kidding buddy man i need to get some sleep ... But theres gf in my spot why do they take up the bed and give us a little 1 foot spot to sleep in ? Oh hell now the cats in the one foot spot !!! hmm any one for fried cat lol no i would not do that to cammi ,killer maybe hes fatter lol That aint right !! is what ur thinking lmao . or this dudes lost his mind well folks ur right on both lmao !... by now ur think how did he from his puter being slow to all this .... well ur guess is as good as mine lol but any way i wish i had a better puter lol ..:joker:
I feel your frustration and boredom...things will get better and you will get a faster computer but no one else is gonna make it happen, only you. And a bigger bed wouldn't like having an empty bed either, some of us don't have anyone to keep us warm and wake up next to, you're lucky you do.
Man I'm the opposite. Just got back from a 1300 mile road trip and left just after 2 PM yesterday. now I have to go to michigan later and be there by early morning....

As soon as I lie down, I will be out for a while. Only had 2 -3 cat naps since yesterday.
I highly doubt it's your computer, it's the dial up causing your problems. I have a computer that is 8 years old, and this site runs fine. Of course, I have a cable connection, so that's really the only difference. Dial up would definitely slow down the threads with a lot of pictures. So, perhaps you should look into broadband. What kind of computer are you running anyway?
asd for what kind of puter i have im not sure it was free years ago i just hooked it up and here i am lol i cant get in the floor to tell ya
nuthing wrong with old cars or old computers
but dial up is like a 225 with two fouled plugs!
asd for what kind of puter i have im not sure it was free years ago i just hooked it up and here i am lol i cant get in the floor to tell ya

If you're running Win XP...Go to the "start" menu, then open up "control panel". Go to "system" and the first page (General) should tell you what kind of processor and the amount of memory you have. There are programs you can download that will be more specific (CPU-Z comes to mind). Are you having any other slow down issues besides the internet speed?
internet speed is the only thing that is slow
iall i an tell ya its got 2 gig ram and it runs vista