Im stumped, It's missing and ticking.

360scamp said:
Iv been zapped by an HEI ignition more time than I can remember but never in the junk.

And all it takes is ONCE to make you EXREMELY AWARE of what your doing....:-&
I've been hit by my own electric horse fencing, several times. It's a jolt, but nothing like that Jacobs
Fastback, That hurts just reading about it!!! Makes me want to start wearing insulated pants when I'm working on the electrical.
360 SCAMP we are all waiting to find out what your problem was. A real mopar man would work on that engine all easter day to find out!! :toothy7: Let us know as soon as you figure it out. Your mopar brother walt. :)
Im pretty sure that it was a combination of the male/female plug for the distributer having one of the wires get all brittle and come part way loose and then a couple of weeks ago I was trying to get more clearance between the vacume advance pot on the distributer and the back of my intake...


It was suggested that I just pull the drive gear out and move it 1 or 2 teeth over, I did and it worked great! I had the clearance I needed and it still ran like it should....for about a week and then it just started to goto hell. I took out the gear and moved it one tooth back and it seemed to fix it.

I also re-replaced the distributer. Stupid cars!!!
as long as the timing is correct moving it one tooth only moves the location of the plug wires on the cap.
Ok, The bastard scamp started doing it again on Thursday so yesterday I replaced the intake gaskets as a last resort before I had the car hooked up to a scope. I let it sit all day today while I did some other stuff to it. PROBLEM SOLVED!!!
It was leaking into the lifter valley, the bottom corner of the driverside gasket was blown out but the top wasn't so when I used propaine or WD40 to look for vaccume leaks it wasn't doing anything. It is fixed!!!!

So did you mill the intake to fit properly, or did you just replace the gasket? ;)
Ok so Im still dealling with the same problems as before. After I swapped the intake gaskets it ran fine for about 3 days and then it went to crap again. I am now on my 3rd distributer, I have taken the carb apart and checked for any cracks or anything that would screw it up, replaced the carb mounting gaskets, and thrown about 3 wrenches across the street just to show the world how pissed I have gotten.
What it is doing now is at start up it runs fine until I give it a little gas then it starts to backfire and cut out. If I unhook the vacume advance from the carb it runs fine (yes I have it hooked to the passenger side port and yes I have checked it with a vacume guage and there is no vacume at idle). If I drive it for alittle bit with the vacume advance unhooked it will run fine for about 10 mins and then it will start to sputter and I have to power brake it at stoplites to keep it running.
So what the hell?!?!?
my motors ticking also but im thinking its a worn cam or push rod or rocker were is your ticking coming from?
Intermittent problems are hard to pin down - especially when you "disturb" a bunch of stuff and then the problem seems fixed. On your 3rd distributor? Probably not distributor related. Go over other parts of the ignition system and fuel system with a fine toothed comb.

Get the car to act up in your driveway (the power brake scenario - but in park) with another person present. See if the carb is dumping raw fuel like crazy. Try resetting the floats or simply lower them a little. What carb do you have on it right now? If it's a Holly make sure the vent tube that sticks up isn't covered by the air cleaner lid (I have first hand experience with that on a Vette). After it acts up, are the plugs soaked? - Check them all and make sure none have cracked insulators. If it was indeed the intake gasket the first time - maybe you blew it again.

On the ignition side, others have already mentioned cross fire problems. Make sure nothing is arcing to another wire or to the headers. When you throw a timing light on it, is it steady or erratic?

Stick with it - you'll get once and for all. Try to completely rule out one system (fuel or ignition) before moving to the other.
Seeing as how one of the things people always say in the sugestion section is that they would like to find out what the probelm really was I thought I would post an update to this little problem of mine.

I pulled the motor out of the car and sold the car as a bunch of you know (I just lost interest in the car and have too many toys as it is...and I got a real nice 73 dart to replace it :-D ). I have been cleanning the motor and getting it ready to go into my 53 pick up. Well I pulled the heads tonite and everything looked good so I pulled the front cover and what do ya know the spiffy new chain that I put in durring the rebuild skipped 2 teeth.
So I am going to order a new gasket kit and chain set for it and maybe swap cams and intakes and drop it in the 53.

I also had 2 bad distributers durring this whole thing as well.