I'm turning into a grammar nerd!



Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2007
Reaction score
Amelia, Ohio
I never thought I would see the day I would make a thread complaining about grammar but here I am. I'm not going to complain about the little stuff like your and you're or there and their or even small misspellings. I am talking about reading a post and actually having to work to understand what is being said. Some of the times it's post that are really long but no punctuation is used. Other times it's autocorrect throwing it words that doesn't make since.

I understand a lot of members are old timers and might have some trouble with typing on a phone or making mistakes on a keyboard. I always try to re read what I type to make sure everything is easy to understand and not all thrown together.

I'm not trying to come off as a grammar nazi at all. I just tried to read a post that I am sure I could have learned a lot from but it was very difficult to read and understand.

My venting is done, carry on!
peapl gect dahnt kair aneemoar.
No one is perfect, I know I make errors too because English is not my original language. I do understand what you mean though because some of the errors are just too stupid. :???:

The big thing is that on a car site, very few people are going to care.
There is no such word a "irregardless".
Do not modify absolutes.
It is either unique or it is not unique.
It can not be "very unique".

The original misspellers.
The damn auto correct gets me a lot

I try and reread before posting but still miss it some

If the post is long and hard to read I skip it
I mispel on purpose to totally bastardize a word for so it drives someone like you crazy. :D

Grammur Natzi :D
Bigger things in life to get upset about.

very true ....learned that when I became a hub cap nerd.

Wheel covers are NOT hub caps or vice versa people.....hub caps cover only the hub and wheel covers, cover the entire wheel ...... wow jeez that makes total sense now :finga:

pisses me off when I see an ad "Hub caps for sale". Then you open the thread to find full wheel covers.
very true ....learned that when I became a hub cap nerd.

Wheel covers are NOT hub caps or vice versa people.....hub caps cover only the hub and wheel covers, cover the entire wheel ...... wow jeez that makes total sense now :finga:

pisses me off when I see an ad "Hub caps for sale". Then you open the thread to find full wheel covers.

Cap/Cover Nazi :D
I never thought I would see the day I would make a thread complaining about grammar but here I am.
What did your grammar do that's got ya in a tizzy? Y'all know it ain't right to be disrespectin yer elders. Jus give grammar a hug an tell her ya love her, it'll all work out.
I can sympathize, I was an English major in college. Sometimes reading through stuff here can be downright painful.

I think blaming technology is misguided though. Phones and computers don't work without someone pushing the buttons. :D
I remember saying to the English teacher in school as a joke, I aints gots any homework done.
The day you can pay yourself is the day you can preach grammar, maybe.
until then, well........................................................... !!! lol
I remember saying to the English teacher in school as a joke, I aints gots any homework done.

I actually got thrown out of a high school English class for telling the teacher that I was never going to stand in front of 50,000 screaming fans and conjugate the verb "be" and be paid based on my ability to do so.
Try and untangle this one.

"K I'm stuck I bought a cloyds true dnt roller it's has 3 keyways I'm using std o now when I bring up num 1 cyl compression stroke and put crank gear on it doesn't line up ? There are two zeros on gear one by teeth and one by the notch which one do I use?"
I never thought I would see the day I would make a thread complaining about grammar but here I am. I'm not going to complain about the little stuff like your and you're or there and their or even small misspellings. I am talking about reading a post and actually having to work to understand what is being said. Some of the times it's post that are really long but no punctuation is used. Other times it's autocorrect throwing it words that doesn't make since.

I understand a lot of members are old timers and might have some trouble with typing on a phone or making mistakes on a keyboard. I always try to re read what I type to make sure everything is easy to understand and not all thrown together.

I'm not trying to come off as a grammar nazi at all. I just tried to read a post that I am sure I could have learned a lot from but it was very difficult to read and understand.

My venting is done, carry on!

Eyes red post whut hab all da proper spellins and puncheation and still don't git whuts beins sad.
thays haveint know whut iz whut but I hav a engine for sell

if wnt tex me info aint ansering to number I don't know

This was an actual CL ad