im wasting space on here, but......

Ecstasy????This young buck is in LOOOVVVE!!!The rose peddles have struck this young man,s heart and he,s on cloud 9.LMAO!!Good for you 318!!:toothy10:
haha yea id say you hit that one on the head. she feels the same way. and we talk non stop. i tell my friends im on cloud 9 and there like wtf are you talkin about. alotta youngens dont know what that means. i just tell them im high on life.
So, you found the girl of your dreams? I wonder if it's the same one I dream about.... :-D

Your young & in love. BE CAREFUL! After you throw on the saddle and go for a ride, make sure you can TALK afterwards.

Looks fade... Personality is forever.
if it is the same one you dream about your sol. shes mine. and she has one hell of a personality. looks aint everything. but she is beautiful. shes a blonde. lol. that explains a good bit. but shes the best thing that happened to me in like 5 years. or better.
I can't reply to this because I really can't answer the question.

I have went through a divorce recently in which my wife called me up 4 days before the court hearing and tells me "I still love you and I miss you!" She is already living with another man when she told me this! Yes I still love her and I miss her also! I have no one.

I have became cold .... God, church and prayer have been thrown out the door.. sorry spaz! It seems when I get close to God that's when I get hurt the most. I can feel the hate. I try to shed some tears in order to feel better but they will not come. Now the only thing that keeps me from going insane which is my job it's being threatened. I never asked for any of this...

Dude, you got us here, and you are a good looking bloke.
You should have no problem finding a little honey if you just go out on the prowl a bit.
Man, I wish you could visit the Church I go to, the single guys are beating chicks off of them with sticks.

Maybe we should start a FABO dating group.......maybe not. LOL.

Some of you chicks chime in and find Mullinax a hot Mopar babe.
As a veteran of more than 43 years with the same woman I would like to remind you that you must always treat her like you want to be treated. We've been together so long because we're still on our honeymoon! Actually she's a saint for putting up with me this long! LOL Mike
I treated mine like crap for the first year so she could feel as though she was improving me. Women want to change you ,its in their nature.After 30 years now mine brags what a good job shes
Dude, you got us here, and you are a good looking bloke.
You should have no problem finding a little honey if you just go out on the prowl a bit.
Man, I wish you could visit the Church I go to, the single guys are beating chicks off of them with sticks.

Maybe we should start a FABO dating group.......maybe not. LOL.

Some of you chicks chime in and find Mullinax a hot Mopar babe.

lol... I don't think there are too many chicks on here.

Maybe I need to spend sometime alone for awhile... maybe to try to find myself. I've been in love before but I also have been on the other side. The part that hurts and it is very hard to understand. Twice. My friend says that I should have a heart of leather by now... easy to move on another words. It's not like I want my ex back but I'm tired of getting stomped on. I treated the last two the best I knew how... one was living with her parents, no job, no transportation, etc... I found her a job,car, and of course somewhere to stay besides her parents. We was friends for awhile before we fell for one another. I guess my friends are right ... I just have a problem of finding good women. Geez I'm depressing aren't I?

Mopar318Guy, I wish you the very best and hope you have better luck than I did.
lol... I don't think there are too many chicks on here.

Maybe I need to spend sometime alone for awhile... maybe to try to find myself. I've been in love before but I also have been on the other side. The part that hurts and it is very hard to understand. Twice. My friend says that I should have a heart of leather by now... easy to move on another words. It's not like I want my ex back but I'm tired of getting stomped on. I treated the last two the best I knew how... one was living with her parents, no job, no transportation, etc... I found her a job,car, and of course somewhere to stay besides her parents. We was friends for awhile before we fell for one another. I guess my friends are right ... I just have a problem of finding good women. Geez I'm depressing aren't I?

Mopar318Guy, I wish you the very best and hope you have better luck than I did.

Yeah, I'd stay away from the "needy" types.
Seems like they just use nice guys such as yourself, and my Brother which has has two marriages and went from one needy, royal beeatch to another.
She is making his life a living hell, and nothing he does is right, he makes twice as much money as she does, and pays all the bills, takes care of her horses every morning and evening, and she uses her teenage Daughter from a previous marriage as a wedge between the two of them.
She has not been intimate with him for over a year and had quit going to every councelor they attempted to talk to because every one of them tells her she is the problem and needs to change things about herself.

I keep trying to tell my Brother to get her a T-shirt with a big #4 on the front, and when she asks "What is this for?" he can say "It's for your 4'th husband, you nasty witch!"

They each have one teenage kid from previous marriages, and they have a 3 year old together which is the ONLY reason he wants to try to make it work, but no matter how much he tries, he is not good enough for her spoiled ***.

He does not drink or smoke or run around.
The only thing he does to keep his sanity is play drums as a profesional drummer in a band and from time to time gets contracted to cut professional albums in the studio for bands that need a good percussionist.

He is a good guy with a big heart, handsome,extremely intelligent, and fun to be around, but I have no idea why he picks these chicks that just use him up and treat him like a pile of dog meat.

I keep telling him to ditch her venemous ***, take his chances with shared custody of their little girl and go find a sweet, little honey that can appreciate him.

Holy crap, did we hijack this thread or what?

Sorry 318.
Yeah, I'd stay away from the "needy" types.
Seems like they just use nice guys such as yourself, and my Brother which has has two marriages and went from one needy, royal beeatch to another.
She is making his life a living hell, and nothing he does is right, he makes twice as much money as she does, and pays all the bills, takes care of her horses every morning and evening, and she uses her teenage Daughter from a previous marriage as a wedge between the two of them.
She has not been intimate with him for over a year and had quit going to every councelor they attempted to talk to because every one of them tells her she is the problem and needs to change things about herself.

I keep trying to tell my Brother to get her a T-shirt with a big #4 on the front, and when she asks "What is this for?" he can say "It's for your 4'th husband, you nasty witch!"

They each have one teenage kid from previous marriages, and they have a 3 year old together which is the ONLY reason he wants to try to make it work, but no matter how much he tries, he is not good enough for her spoiled ***.

He does not drink or smoke or run around.
The only thing he does to keep his sanity is play drums as a profesional drummer in a band and from time to time gets contracted to cut professional albums in the studio for bands that need a good percussionist.

He is a good guy with a big heart, handsome,extremely intelligent, and fun to be around, but I have no idea why he picks these chicks that just use him up and treat him like a pile of dog meat.

I keep telling him to ditch her venemous ***, take his chances with shared custody of their little girl and go find a sweet, little honey that can appreciate him.

Holy crap, did we hijack this thread or what?

Sorry 318.

Yeah we did a extremely good job of hijacking this thread. As you can tell by my last post I was trying to end it there. BUT maybe this could be a fair warning for Mopar318Guy before he lays his heart out. lol

What you have posted about your brother is EXACTLY my story word for word.... or I should say was. When I started to get "involved" with her my mom was not pleased, my friends kind of didn't say much because they didn't want to hurt my feelings, and my foreman/friend was like "You're screwing up!"
Not to twist this in another direction but I have to say, the first 6 to 8 months was the worst after my break up, Now here I am 4 years later....Happier than I have ever been, financially stable, still have the 69 Bee, the 66 Cuda in progress, my motorcycle (a seperation gift to myself) has 400.00 till its paid off. On top of that.....a good woman found me! She loves Mopars.......Bikes and yes.....even me?
I know I will never marry again, I'm totaly comfortable and happy about that (so is she) ! I love life now to much to engage in the marriage ritual again.....There is hope my friend! make yourself whole again, enjoy your self and live life to the fullest!

lol... I don't think there are too many chicks on here.

Maybe I need to spend sometime alone for awhile... maybe to try to find myself. I've been in love before but I also have been on the other side. The part that hurts and it is very hard to understand. Twice. My friend says that I should have a heart of leather by now... easy to move on another words. It's not like I want my ex back but I'm tired of getting stomped on. I treated the last two the best I knew how... one was living with her parents, no job, no transportation, etc... I found her a job,car, and of course somewhere to stay besides her parents. We was friends for awhile before we fell for one another. I guess my friends are right ... I just have a problem of finding good women. Geez I'm depressing aren't I?

Mopar318Guy, I wish you the very best and hope you have better luck than I did.
Yeah, Axe,

The women sure know how to turn on the charm and hook ya like a fish every time, but some of them unfortunately do not know what the hell they want like their brain has a hunger looming inside, and they try to fill that void by moving from one guy to another, but never seem to satisfy this hunger which they are seeking.

They leave guys torn to shreds in their wake, and move on to the next unsuspecting victim as they shed their cocoon and put on their new skin.

I am dealing with two adopted teenage daughter's that have been displaying these same characteristics and they are extremely hard to talk ANY sense into regardless of how many long nights my Wife and I spend talking to them.

The older one recently got married despite EVERYONE's warnings, and in a matter of two weeks is toying with her new idiot Husband's best buddy.

I think Fokked up childhoods is what really screws these girls up, and some serious counceling with a really good councelor who really gives a crap is the only way to get these girls on track, but it seems they all share the same traits and NEVER want to have a serious conversations, especially when their actions are being questioned.

Axe, I still have faith in you bud, and I know there is a great lady out there for you.
Don't let one or two screwed up nut case chicks make you lose faith in yourself.
It ain't you, it's them that is all screwed up.

There are plenty of other fish in the sea, maybe just like my Brother, you need to look for a different type of Woman next time.

Stay away from the needy life suckers.
Ditto's on Cudaspaz................

AND, for the young buck in Looooooooooooove, STAY that way.

Marry the girl if she's the one, and settle in...have a family....and LOVE her..........

I've been married 30 years now, and still in love.

Have a Merry Christmas! 8)
I hope I'm not ruining my 3 girls. :) Kids look to their parents relationship as a guide for building their own. My wife is the best (I'm whipped... I know) she makes me want to be a better person. We talk all the time and remember the early days. It's a constant reminder of why we fell in love in the first place and we feed off of the good times to pull through the not so good ones. most people see it like "I make the money and the wife runs the house". but it really is a partnership that takes work from both sides, and not just 50-50 but 110%-110% that way when one of you falls short ( and you/she will ) its not 10-50 or..well you get the idea.
Think of it this way:
you don't buy a car and run the tires bald and the oil low and THEN try to fix it or cuss cause it's broken...NOPE you take care of it from the VERY beginning and it will last a lifetime, but both of you have to have that outlook or you're in trouble already.....everyone has heard of the phrase "too little too late"
Congrats 318 :cheers: and remember don't sweat the petty things, it REALLY doesn't matter what color the bathroom towels are :lol: besides I'm sure you'll look hot in fuchsia