inner city school ACT test



Well-Known Member
May 24, 2004
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GANG/CREW NAME______________ CRIB_________________

1. Ramón has an AK-47 with a 30-round clip. He usually miss 6 of every 10 shot and he use 13 rounds per drive-by shootin. How many drive-by shootins can Ramón hit before he reload?

2. Leroy has 2 ounce of cocaine. If he sell an 8 ball to Antonio for $320 and 2 gram to Juan for $85 per gram, what be the street value of the rest of his *#%^?

3. Dwayne pimp 3 ho's. If the price is $85 per trick, how many trick per day must each ho turn to support Dwayne's $800 per day Crack habit?

4. Raul want to cut the pound of cocaine he bought for $40,000 to make 20% profit. How many ounce bags will he need to make to gets the 20% upside?

5. Desmond get $200 for a stolen BMW, $150 for stealing a Corvette, and $100 for a 4x4. If he steal 1 BMW, 2 Corvettes and 3 4x4's, how many more Corvettes must he steal to have 900 bills?

6. Pedro got 6 year for murder. He also got $10,000 for the hit. If his common-law wife spend $100 of his hit money per month, how much money will be left when he get out?

7. If an average can of spray paint covers 22 square feet and the average letter is 3 square feet, how many letter can be sprayed with 3 - 8 oz. can of spray paint with 20% paint left over?

8. Tyrone knocked up 4 girls in the gang. They be 20 girls in his gang. What be the percentage of *#$%^&# Tyrone knocked up?

9. LaShaunda is a lookout for the gang. LaShaunda also has a Boa Constrictor that eat 5 rats per week and the cost be $5 per rat. If LaShaunda makes $700 a week as a lookout, how many week can she feed her snake wift one week income?

10. Marvin steals Juan's skateboard. As Marvin skate away at 15 mph, Juan load his 357 Magnum piece. If it take Juan 20 seconds to load his piece, how much away will Marvin be when he get whacked?
That's good! now I have to gets my calculator out cuz i ain't got no quick haid fo' this sh*t, man.
That must be a high school test.
never seen that one.:read2:

Good one sweetybetty:toothy10:
oakland has some good parts and some good people, but also has alot of of slovenly people. too many thug based mentalities, too many homeless. lots of cool little spots to check out though.