Is burning powdercoating toxic?



Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2011
Reaction score
Ridley Park, Pa.
I was welding a bracket that was powdercoated and the smoke got me! Have not been feeling well since.
Burning, welding any kind of coating, paint, galvanizing is not good for you! The area should be ventilated.
I was welding a bracket that was powdercoated and the smoke got me! Have not been feeling well since.

You're supposed to clean all of the parts you are welding down to the metal before welding... It makes for a stronger/better weld.

Yeah, I would think that it is not good for you. Maybe look up a local "poison control" phone number in your area that you can ask.

I hope you're ok. Keep checking in so we know you're ok.
Yup that stuff is very bad for you,were is our Cudachickssssssssssssssssss comments.She uses an oven that i am sure is is regulated by her Government.Are you having problime breathing in and out?
I was welding a bracket that was powdercoated and the smoke got me! Have not been feeling well since.

If you are having issues and you suspect something's up, you probably shouldn't wait to see a Dr.
I was welding a bracket that was powdercoated and the smoke got me! Have not been feeling well since.

It appears it can be somewhat toxic.

See here: [ame][/ame]

Starts on page 6.
If your not sure you need to get to a doc.
Could be something else that needs looked after.
The internet can't cure you.
Wow ... hope you're feeling better by now Mope (three hours since you posted). It might be a little late but try drinking a glass of milk and see if that takes the edge off. If the headache hasn't started yet take a couple aspirins -- because when it hits it's going to knock your socks off.

Powder coatings are essentially plastic: acrylic, polyester, etc., and breathing them in isn't going to do you any good as you've already found out.

There's really not much else I can help with from here except to boost up a BIGGG x2 on KrazyKuda's advice up there: NEVER WELD ON POWDER COATING!! Next time use your grinder first to clear a spot for the welds, or instruct your coater to mask / plug those areas you intend to weld on later.

I hope ya feel better soon. < hug >
I am OK I think. Just a headache and muscle spasm's right now. I had ground down an inch from the weld but the piece got hot and lit up and I didn't get away from it fast enough.
Note to self: Perform any modifications to the part BEFORE powder coating....

Glad you're doing ok now.

I definitely won't make that mistake after learning from you... Thanks for "taking one for the team"...
Just a headache and muscle spasm's .

I got sicker than a DOG years ago welding galvanized pipe and I had been warned. I "thought" I was being careful outdoors, breezy day, and "upstream"

That night my whole body ached and hurt, and I felt like 'ELL

As the saying goes, first you're afraid you'll die and then you're afraid you WON'T
I got sicker than a DOG years ago welding galvanized pipe and I had been warned. I "thought" I was being careful outdoors, breezy day, and "upstream"

That night my whole body ached and hurt, and I felt like 'ELL

As the saying goes, first you're afraid you'll die and then you're afraid you WON'T

Sounds like what a guy that jumped off a bridge to commit suicide once said, "Half-way down I decided that it wasn't such a good idea...." :banghead::banghead::banghead: