Is it just me? or?



AKA Mopars4us on Youtube
Mar 11, 2011
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I see people all the time posting pictures of nasty dirty greasy parts for sale, and have even gotten nasty dirty greasy parts in the mail.
Am I being anal about this, or is it generally acceptable to sell nasty parts as is?
I couldn't bring myself to do it.
I do all the time and have for years. People want cheap. Cheap is dirty. Only alternative would be interior trim and decorative parts.
for me it just depends on what it is. I sell my crap cheap but I at least take the time to clean it up. ive seen plenty of the opposite, dirty, nasty very pricy junk , and clean cheap parts. I bought a PS pump one time that had fluid leaking out of the USPS box because they didn't even take the time to drain it and used masking tape on the lines
yup exactly cheap crap is what they sell and cheap crap is what you receive so if the parts are that way don't bother with them and keep looking for a seller with a little better work ethic and respect for the craft, the ones doing that are just in it to turn a quick buck and they have no intention on changing their ways, takes only a few minutes of make the parts presentable and that's the difference between sellers with good reputations and the others that nobody wants to deal with, JMO.
I know if I were selling stuff and had to deal with folks trying to beat me down on the price I would not be spending the time to get the parts surgical type of clean....

While back I made mention of having a rebuilt ms box. Offered it the clown for what I had in it, plus shipping to him. He only wanted to pay me 75% of what I had into it....and for me to eat the shipping....this is the very reason why that 68 crusty *** Valiant that is sitting out in the yard is going to have the few parts I want taken off of it and sent to the crusher....don't have the patience to deal with this type of behavior...
Why yes, yes you are anal. If you buy from a junkyard will the parts be polished and shiny? You'd be lucky to get parts that didn't have a black widow nest around here.
It doesn't bother me to receive greasy mechanical parts. Sometimes I actually prefer it because I can see if there were any potential problem that I wasn't told about before I install it.
Why yes, yes you are anal. If you buy from a junkyard will the parts be polished and shiny? You'd be lucky to get parts that didn't have a black widow nest around here.

LMAO@ black widow nest! That's why I always wear gloves when searching the yards! But to clarify searching junk yards for clean shiny parts is not what the guy asked, because everyone knows when the go to the yards to pull parts they will be nasty, but the parts that have been pulled and are for sale at some yards are cleaned and even tested, depends on where you look. So that has nothing to do with the fat some sellers are as cheap as their parts and not worth the effort when there are plenty of other sellers that do take the time to clean the parts in order to attract buyers. Nuff said here on this matter.
If someone is asking top price for something (fair market value), then yes, I want it clean as well.

If someone has a 100 dollar part and they are selling it for 25 bucks, then I don't have an issue cleaning it myself.
it's not just you. There's nothing wrong with the idea of selling or receiving clean parts. Its a reflection in most cases, but there are people who want it super cheap, so the minimal effort is given in that case, because Your Time is Money too.
Man Trailbeast, I hear you. I try to make the part as presentable as possible. Who wouldnt? Unless you are trying to get the least amount offered possible.
I,ll blast and paint if i,m asking top dollar. As is if i,m selling at a favor price.
Even if I give something away and pay the shipping myself it's not going to be all nasty and dirty.
I'm probably going to be selling my 890 Abody torsion bars before long and I gayrontee you they will be at least clean if not painted.
It doesn't bother me to receive greasy mechanical parts. Sometimes I actually prefer it because I can see if there were any potential problem that I wasn't told about before I install it.

I have to agree with the above. I actually like dirty greasy parts, it is the best preservative. Pop them in a bag and clean them just before using them. I hate cleaning a part and it rusts up from sitting. I'd draw the line at fluids leaking out of shipping containers, because someone was too lazy to drain the fluids and not seal it in a bag.
I could care less about receiving dirty/greasy parts, I would rather it was soaked in grease than bright red rust. I have a blast cabinet and parts washer. Parts I sell are always clean as I am anal about not selling junk and want to go over it to make sure everyone is happy
On the rare ocassion that I sale a part it is always clean. I'll bead blast it and it will be clean as a whistle. I too have opened a box of parts I've bought on here and thought WTH. Then go put on some gloves so I don't get everything covered with grease.
Depends on what Im selling or buying. I habeas a sandblaster and enjoy sandblasting. I would not ship something filled with fluid tho...
If its worth the effort as in "will bring a lot more money" I'll spend
some time on it.
If you want it cheap, and its worth what's worth, you get it the same way I did.
I sell to fund my hobby, not shine/paint stuff to pretty so I can
rake your guts out.
If I have it for sale, I want to send it on its way with a minimum
of work and a reasonable profit.