It will start but won't run. [Solved. Wasn't ignition. :( ]

That can happen. Don't beat yourself up. When something like that happens we need to go back to the basics. Does it have spark? Does it have fuel? That will usually get you there.
Then comes compression and valve action at the correct time. Good you figured it out!
I chased around a engine running issue at idle for 2 years till I figured it was just the wrong heat range of spark plugs.
haha nice.

DEF' the first thin gto chekc next time , that you are gettin ggas. second Spark' -

good luck - keep her on the ROAD>
HAH! We've all been there..

The funny thing about online troubleshooting is that probably 9/10 times there's information not in the OP that would help indicate the issue... Had you mentioned you were using starting fluid to get it to fire, I'm sure many a member would have asked "yeah, but are you getting fuel!?".

It's another something that we're all guilty of at one time as well, and something to keep in mind for the future: list ALL relevant info ;)

At least you've got something definitive to work on now!
LOL, glad you got it figured out. That's the main thing! Still easier to work on these old cars than the newer ones.
Happens to most of us!!

I just look at what I learn from troubleshooting the wrong area. I'm that much more edamacated.

Wouldn't be as fun if it was easy.