jeepers my keepers !!!



Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2009
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I was thinking of advancing my cam in my 360 for more cylinder pressure.
The first thing i was going to do was check my piston to valve clearance by installing checker springs and measuring with a dial indicator.
Well --- when i filled the cylinder with air and compressed the valve spring, the keepers wouldn't budge because they are STUCK to the retainers.

The air pressure (100 + psi)does not hold enough pressure when i smack the valve spring tool with a rubber hammer.
The valve opens instead of the keeper breaking loose.
The keepers are locked in the retainers pretty good.
I did try a second intake valve with the same results. :?

The engine has been together a very long time and i didn't feel like going for broke ,so i put it back together.
The simplest things sound so easy don't they????

Does knowing when to turn back come with age or am i just becoming lazy????
I only worked at it for an hour or so.
I put it back together and started it up and once the lifters settled down ,sounded great.
I keep hearing the little voice in my head say DON'T FIX IT IF IT AIN'T BROKE.#-o
I've seen that a lot. With age they can really get seated good. I put air to the cylinder and put a socket (an 11/16" will do) on top of the retainer and give it a rap with a small hammer and they've always came loose for me. Sometimes it might take 2 or 3 raps but it's always worked for me.
I've seen that a lot. With age they can really get seated good. I put air to the cylinder and put a socket (an 11/16" will do) on top of the retainer and give it a rap with a small hammer and they've always came loose for me. Sometimes it might take 2 or 3 raps but it's always worked for me.

X2, varnish can really make them sticky. Use a socket like Fishy said and a steel hammer. It takes a sharp rap to loosen them up. A rubber hammer just won't transmit enough energy quick enough to break them loose.
For sticking collets, you need to tap the retainer on 1 side only, then you will be right.
You'll know when they are lose because the impact of the hammer feels different when they break lose and the spring compresses a tiny bit with the blow.