Jury Duty

I was called to jury duty and had to go home because I knew the plaintiffs.
Then I was called in about 2 mouths later :neutral: two day trial, the state HWY department tried to buy a ladies property to cheep:sad7: She got what she was suppose to get =D>
Just about the only advantage I can think of due to my health problems. No possibility of jury duty.
One way to look at it. Giving up a week of your time and money is a lot less than our soldiers have given up so we can have our day in court. Not bashing you, just something to think about.
I've served on jury duty four times and only had to sit in on one trial.
When they interviewed me for the jury the defense lawyer asked me what I would do if he came up and pushed me.
Told him he would be looking up at me from the floor if he did that. Figured that would get me not picked.... I was the first person called for the jury. Guess that back fired!
One way to look at it. Giving up a week of your time and money is a lot less than our soldiers have given up so we can have our day in court. Not bashing you, just something to think about.

I've already given up my fair share of time--with no pay, I might add, and spent six years in the U.S. Navy. So you might say, I've already thought about it.
Got the notice in the mail but did not have to go. I live about 2 hours from the county court house where I would have had to go......
One way to look at it. Giving up a week of your time and money is a lot less than our soldiers have given up so we can have our day in court. Not bashing you, just something to think about.

It's not about me. I'm on call this week and if I get taken out of circulation, the other techs will have no choice but to cover those calls. Not really fair to them.
I actually enjoy jury duty. I don't mind serving, as I consider it a duty as a citizen of the community, and I've made a few lasting friends while serving. As someone said earlier, it's nothing compared to what our troops volunteered for.
Back in the 80's when I was working for IBM, I got it three weeks straight in New Jersey's Passaic County.

Last time, was a few years ago here in Jones County, Georgia. It only lasted 2 days, though.
April 26th is my coming date. I'll have to call the night before to see if I have to attend.

Sat on a week long trial about 10 years ago down at the Federal Courthouse. I guess I'll see how it pans out. Being a government employee, pay is not a problem, work pays my normal wage.
April 26th is my coming date. I'll have to call the night before to see if I have to attend.

Sat on a week long trial about 10 years ago down at the Federal Courthouse. I guess I'll see how it pans out. Being a government employee, pay is not a problem, work pays my normal wage.

Yeah, I called and had to go in but it turned out that it was a Ceaser Chavez day plus a city and county furlough day so only one courtroom was open. They called in about 20 people then cut us all loose. :mrgreen:
My Grandmothers sister and I got to see him and he helped give heath care and better work conditions to all the migrant workers that help feed the world Joe. :colors:
Labor camps I have lived in would make anyone thankful for a indoor bath room and your own bed room.
I have had this belt buckle for 40 years and was gave to the supporters back in the day, I am glad it has not sold, I have been told not to wear it in the strawberry fields in Dover Florida because the farmers did not like the work he was doing in the grape fields and back then he was steering up trouble to give us better living conditions and get the children out of the fields. I bet you did not know this about him, some you may have known, but in my life back in the day I carried this belt buckle and would wear it when it was safe to, Yes a cool peace of history O:)

Treva put it on ebay in here store, It even looked cool with a leather belt and bell bottom Jeans. Not many if any are out there. RIP Mr Chavez.

I have had jury duty several times, but never had to be on a trial. Bad thing is during that times I was chosen to be on Jury Duty I had to be on call for one month due to the county I lived in. That sucked ! All the times I got called in just to go back home.. I noticed one thing. If I was on trial for something I would not want a bunch of people who didnt care or want to be there judging me. From what I could tell... none of the jurors were happy about being on jury duty. While it may be a necessary.. I hate it.
My Wife has jury duty next week. Had some mix up about that and the time she asked off to go to MATS. So now she has to work and cant go with me.
My wife got called for jury duty, she showed up with a Time magazine to read while waiting, they dismissed her right away, figured she was to informed reading a magazine like that. They want a blank slate I guess?

Hope it isn't too bad for you Joe, they can drag on depending on the case which would really suck :protest:
Been called about 6 times and booted from all 6.

Seems defense attorneys don't like firefighter/EMTs or people that have a CCW permit or drive big rigs or in investigative positions.

............................... or have snotty answers to their stupid questions.
Enjoyed it myself,everybody's got the responsibility to serve.