Just Cannot Seem To Win...

One small bright light my home-owners paid to replace the gazebo!
sorry to hear about your Mom. you can get a new job, a new friend and a new gazebo (this time with anchors).

Sorry to hear about your mother. The job, well, is a job, the friend, will either be a friend and work it out, or never really was, and a gazebo...only kills your lawn. Good things will come to good people.....just takes a little longer for some. Keep your head up!
Has another down week with no luck in my job search, bad thoughts and dreams of, well I do not want to go there...
Take a step back and relax. A lot of people are going through what you're going through. It's not easy and no one ever said life was.

When I get bummed I look at pic of my grandfather on his wedding day in 1907 in a field full of rocks and stumps in N. Wisconsin...... Life is easy compared to what it used to be. :)
Yeah, what Ram said. Get a grip on yourself. If need be, move to where the jobs are. Doing that will also give you new surroundings and a new perspective on things. Nobody ever said that life is easy.
I can feel your pain, KP, and wanted to say that the true test of a man is how he finishes, my friend. Sometimes when the storm hits all you can do is stand. But understand, your job now is to do the next right thing, and God will open the doors if you keep the faith and don't give in. I have to remind myself of this on a continual basis, cause things are tough, and sometimes I want to sit down, but if I do, where is the honor in that? So, stand, my friend, until the storm passes and you can run again.
Sorry to hear about all your troubles, seems to be so much of that going on these days. Hang in there, things will get better. Take a page out of Joe's book, no matter how tough things are he's tougher.
I can feel your pain, KP, and wanted to say that the true test of a man is how he finishes, my friend. Sometimes when the storm hits all you can do is stand. But understand, your job now is to do the next right thing, and God will open the doors if you keep the faith and don't give in. I have to remind myself of this on a continual basis, cause things are tough, and sometimes I want to sit down, but if I do, where is the honor in that? So, stand, my friend, until the storm passes and you can run again.

Thank You, I Will Do My Best To Keep Standing...
Sorry to hear about your mother and bad fortune, but at least your getting it all out of the way at once..
god bless.
i'm so sorry to hear about your troubles. misery loves company - my wife moved out with my son two weeks ago and i'm not sure if they're coming back, so i feel your pain to a degree. tough times make for tough people, we will all get through our problems and stand tall again with god's and each other's help. don't let depression take hold, try to focus on the things you are blessed with instead. roof over your head? clothes on your back? food on the table? if you have these things you will be able to overcome all other hardships. i know firsthand how hard it is to battle depression and sadness but when it comes we can only get through it a day at a time. if we are lucky enough to wake up the next morning then life, at its most simple, is good. i'm here for you, if you need to talk it out or whatever, let me know.
When things go bad for me, I think back my year in Vietnam. Then, everything else seems trivial in comparison. I just feel lucky to be alive.

Ken A.
What Adam said! I recently lost my brother in law, who happened to be my best freind also. He left behind a wife and 3 kids at 49 years old. I went to the doctor and he helped me get through it. They can help you, and there is no shame admitting you need help.
Sometimes it seems like there is an anti-gravity thing going on...no matter what you do, you cant get a break....but eventually things do get better..its all about building character, right...I'm at one of the lowest points of my career, and its basically because of the economy...keep your head up....tommorow is another day............("good times, bad times, you know I had my share")..................
Im sorry to hear of your troubles.

If your serious about this you need to go see a doctor NOW !!!

Adam I have been talking to someone on and off since my mother past away. It just seem to keep going down hill for my family and I. I have good days and bad...
Adam I have been talking to someone on and off since my mother past away. It just seem to keep going down hill for my family and I. I have good days and bad...

i'm finding that i've had to narrow my focus lately. keeping busy with a task or a good book helps to kill some of the time that i would otherwise spend sitting around being depressed. don't stop seeing your counselor/doctor/therapist/whatever, if you need the help don't be afraid or ashamed to get it.
i know things will get better for you guys. we are here to help. i'm amazed at some of the great things this group has done for its members in the short time i've been on here. just keep talking about it and we'll work it out one way or the other.
i'm finding that i've had to narrow my focus lately. keeping busy with a task or a good book helps to kill some of the time that i would otherwise spend sitting around being depressed. don't stop seeing your counselor/doctor/therapist/whatever, if you need the help don't be afraid or ashamed to get it.
i know things will get better for you guys. we are here to help. i'm amazed at some of the great things this group has done for its members in the short time i've been on here. just keep talking about it and we'll work it out one way or the other.

Thank You So Much For Your Concern!
I know what you're going through. We lost my Wife's twin sister, my Father-in-Law, my Father, and an 11 year old niece that was in a coma for almost 3 months and was not expected to live through the night (she has since recovered and has just graduated college) all within a year. I have been there, I know it is not easy! I can offer you some advice that worked for me. Pray, mean it, and wait for it, it will come. I am sure that you have loved ones that really need you right now, be there for them.

Your MOPAR Brother,