Just when you think hollywood life is grand.

Someone needs to explain to me what Scientology is... Beacuse I just watched the whole video and gained nothing. It was like they edited it to take out anything he may have said that either defined it, or had anything of real substance.

All I learned is that it is nto for Spectators and you are either in or out and he is apperenlty all in.
The religion of the Hollywood priveledged...it sounds like it helps if you can buy yor way in, i.e., have a bunch of spare money to "donate". John Travolta is also one, and yet you don't hear him spouting off about it.
I wonder if Tommcruiseisnuts.com is still on the web?
Yeah, it is.
'Ol Tom has spent too much time sitting on an alien probe. Ah, the philosophies of men.

"...It is a basic belief of Scientology that a human being is actually an immortal spiritual being, termed a thetan, that is presently trapped on planet Earth in a "meat body." The thetan has had innumerable past lives and it is accepted in Scientology that lives antedating the thetan's arrival on Earth lived in extraterrestrial cultures."
I guess I'm missing why everybody is saying he's so whacked out. That video didn't show any questions....Everything he said may be taken out of context just because we have no idea what he was responding to. OK, so hes passionate about something, big deal. If someone took a video of you during a conversation and only aired some of your whole responses without any questions...you'd look off the wall too. I'm not trying to stand up for him, only saying that video is no basis to condemn him. My 2 cents.
I guess I'm missing why everybody is saying he's so whacked out. That video didn't show any questions....Everything he said may be taken out of context just because we have no idea what he was responding to. OK, so hes passionate about something, big deal. If someone took a video of you during a conversation and only aired some of your whole responses without any questions...you'd look off the wall too. I'm not trying to stand up for him, only saying that video is no basis to condemn him. My 2 cents.

I agree... The video was pretty much pointless overall. And it would make him look nuts not knowing what he is talking about. i got virtually nothing from the video.

Check out the tom is nuts website posted above... Pretty funny stuff. MY theory is he is just out of touch with the real world... Been rich and famous since Top Gun, I can see why he would be a bit different compared to those of us who work and know what the real can dish out.
I guess I'm missing why everybody is saying he's so whacked out. That video didn't show any questions....Everything he said may be taken out of context just because we have no idea what he was responding to. OK, so hes passionate about something, big deal. If someone took a video of you during a conversation and only aired some of your whole responses without any questions...you'd look off the wall too. I'm not trying to stand up for him, only saying that video is no basis to condemn him. My 2 cents.

That's because they played only the stuff you "could" understand.
the rest was just minless laughter.
Jesus Christ, I will never make fun of Keanu Reeves' "whoa" again. Excuse me for a minute, I have to find the stray IQ points that I dropped while watching that whole thing.


Alright, better now. Apparently Scientology (aside from being a money pit with totally insane ideas about "rehabilitating" people) is about "you know, *helping* people, you know" and dropping names and initials to make those who aren't "on board" wonder just what the hell he's talking about. Too much money, not enough sense. *shrugs*

Or maybe it was just all made up by a science fiction/fantasy author. I think I'll go with that one. :roll:
Someone needs to explain to me what Scientology is... Beacuse I just watched the whole video and gained nothing. It was like they edited it to take out anything he may have said that either defined it, or had anything of real substance.

All I learned is that it is nto for Spectators and you are either in or out and he is apperenlty all in.

It is a cult for those with to much money and have run out of material things to add to their lives. So they come up with some BS religion that can make them "feel" good about themselves again. This is why actors , (for the most part) seem to allways want to rescue the sick and hungry of some third world nation, rather than feed and educate the chilren here in the good ole USA. It makes them feel good about there lavish wasteful lifestyles. "It's like, like total BS Dude"
Why is it that these stars of stage and screen think they have a better hold on world matters than the rest of us. They stand up and breach all this crap, both religious and economic and we're supposed to listen to them as if they were experts on the matter. These people are just that "people" with a job, most are not experts and quite a few are idiots kind of like people everywhere. But alas we only have ourselves to blame for their hollow stardome. All these shows like Entertainment Tonight that keep a running tab on Brittanys and Paris's latest adventures and then make them out as hero's when in fact they are only "people" like the rest of us.

If we the people stop watching this mindless drivil and stop buying they're redundant rags then maybe It'll stop but that's not likely going to happen.

Besides Tom's a dumb *** and somebody really needs to run up to him and slap him in the side of the head before he decides to chase that latest discovered comet.

If you recall Alec Baldwin and Barbara Strisand made the satement, "If George Bush gets elected, I will leave this country" Well he did and they stayed. I really wish they would have made good on their threat.