


Gratis persona
Apr 27, 2009
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Prattsburgh, NY
Well, Noel, you asked if this day had something to do with Katherine. Yes, it does, my brother.

I'll set a little background for you. I was working at a local Ford's dealership's body shop when I got a call from Sarah. She was at the doctor's office after experiencing a few things which weren't normal for her and had just discovered she was pregnant! I was on cloud nine. I had a Ranger on the frame wrack, and didn't do a damned thing the rest of the day. Flat rate. I was burning time I otherwise would be getting paid for, but I didn't care! I'm a poppa!

Sarah lost her job about a month later. No big deal, my insurance picked her up. The doctor's visits were going well. We were doin' good.

Two months later I lost my job. On a Friday. Stopped by my pastor's place on the way home to talk a bit. I hadn't told Sarah, yet. But the baby was still doing well, we had just moved into a new apartment, things were still all right.

Skip forward to the next Tuesday. February 11th. I was at the church cleaning the sidewalks after a snow storm and had just gone inside to warm up a bit and talk to the church's secretary, who was going through a hard time of her own. The pastor had just come in to check on a few things when the phone rang. It was my sister. Something was wrong with Sarah and the baby. I needed to get home and quick.

The pastor and I climbed in my truck and sped up the hill to the apartment. Something was wrong. While I tried to calm Sarah down the pastor made the 9-1-1 call. The ambulance was there in less than five minutes. In the whole time Sarah kept crying, "I don't want to lose my baby!"

With two lives on the line they didn't take the time for the usual set up. The radio calls and the stats were being administered on the gurney as they carried Sarah out of the house and into the ambulance.

At the hospital the ER doctor did what he could while they called our OBGYN. And I mean he did what he could. His efforts were heroic as he tried his best to save Katie. By the time the OBGYN came, it was too late. Katie was gone. Her chord had prolapsed. She couldn't get oxygen and suffocated.

The pastor's wife brought my sister and my mother to the hospital when she came to pick up my pastor. The church secretary came shortly after and stayed with us the rest of the day. My in-laws caught the quickest flight they could from MN. My dad was on the road with the truck and we had no way to get ahold of him. When he got home he came up.

I can remember every detail of that day. The failings of having a photographic memory. Seven years ago today and it's still fresh in my mind.

Her funeral was the following Saturday. At times like this you find out how good people can be. The local funeral home donated the services when he found out Sarah and I were both on unemployment. We just needed to pay for the casket. A casket which looked like a little white bassinet. My father and father-in-law and pastor handled a lot of the details for me. I was walking around like a zombie, a friend told me. Our families rallyed close to us. Our church rallyed around us, making us meals, donating food. Another church we weren't even part of send us a donation in money to help with expenses and held a concert in honor of Katie. I wasn't able to attend, but a friend told us they raised the roof.

I know many of us have had to deal with loss. Many of us have lost children, many of you have lost children far older than Katie. My heart goes out and my prayers will continue to go out. It's not right when a man has to bury his child. I've been searching my soul for the better part of a day as to whether or not to say anything in the threads, but I've had an experience today which convinced me that perhaps I should.

Katie weighed .7oz and was 9 inches long at birth. She had my look of determination and her mom's nose.

I look at a child now and rejoice that the parents haven't had to suffer the same pain, thank God that child is smiling, laughing. I love to hear a child laugh. It's the closest thing to Heaven God has given us.

Sorry, didn't mean to depress anyone or scratch any wounds. Some of us take children for granted. If you have children, give them a nice big hug.
I look at a child now and rejoice that the parents haven't had to suffer the same pain, thank God that child is smiling, laughing. I love to hear a child laugh. It's the closest thing to Heaven God has given us.

Sorry, didn't mean to depress anyone or scratch any wounds. Some of us take children for granted. If you have children, give them a nice big hug.

No truer words have I ever heard!

rameth, I can't say much or I will start to cry there buddy, having lived thru the pain of burring three BABIES I truly know your heart felt pain & loss! Not too many people will understand the loss we feel most every day.

Please know, you and your wife are in my thoughts and prayers!

May 22 1987....We were at the ob/gyn for a ultrasound. Everythings great said the dr..She's doing great...(We tried for 3 years.)
May 23 1987....Baby's not moving.....We get him to see us and they can't find the pulse.... Mr. and Mrs. Hager .......Induce......She had tied a knot in the umbillical cord. She weighed 5lb 6oz. and was 17 inches long..We named her Heather Danielle.....She's buried beside my grandpa and grandma...I wont ever be over the pain...

Thank you for this thread. I hope others can share.......It's hard.
i realize it was a while ago, but i still do not know what to say.....life certainly can be cruel at times...
i realize it was a while ago, but i still do not know what to say.....life certainly can be cruel at times...

It made me mad.........Why did this happen to us? We tried so long...Ya know...I was so mad because of how hard it was on my wife. She was a wreck for months......See a baby and just start bawlin'..
Stuff I couldn't fix...
It made me mad.........Why did this happen to us? We tried so long...Ya know...I was so mad because of how hard it was on my wife. She was a wreck for months......See a baby and just start bawlin'..
Stuff I couldn't fix...

That's always been the hardest part for me. Even to this day, to a certain extent, Sarah blames herself. The first year or so...
Wow, I'm at a lose for words. I'll be sure to give my two girls a extra big hug and kiss when they get off the bus today. Keep your chin up...:)
That's always been the hardest part for me. Even to this day, to a certain extent, Sarah blames herself. The first year or so...

I know Robert.....I saw her pulse slowing down before they turned off the fetal monitor....I should have said SOMETHING.....But I didn't know any better. I thought she was sleeping......Ate at me for a long time before I left it in the Lords hands.....I'm not a religous man but I know he wanted her with him......
No truer words have I ever heard!

rameth, I can't say much or I will start to cry there buddy, having lived thru the pain of burring three BABIES I truly know your heart felt pain & loss! Not too many people will understand the loss we feel most every day.

Please know, you and your wife are in my thoughts and prayers!


Kim, that's actually scares my wife. After Katie we lost Peanut. We called the baby Peanut. Lost to a miscarriage at seven weeks. Sarah's high risk. To certain extent, up until last summer, when she decided to give her fears over to God, she's been scared as hell over how much more pain might there be.
I know Robert.....I saw her pulse slowing down before they turned off the fetal monitor....I should have said SOMETHING.....But I didn't know any better. I thought she was sleeping......Ate at me for a long time before I left it in the Lords hands.....I'm not a religous man but I know he wanted her with him......

To me the most helpless feeling in the world was listening to my wife cry as our pastor made the 9-1-1 call and knew I couldn't do a thing about it.

Or when the doctors gave us the bad news and cleared the ER room so we could have some privacy and all I could do was hold my wife and know that any words I could say would be meaningless. Except the words: "I love you."
Robert I am sheading tears for you and Sarah right now and can't imagine your pain on this day. I am still at a loss for words to really express how I feel for you and Sarah.
My heart goes out to you guys, this is something I hope I never have to go through. It takes a strong person to live through times as hard as those. I have been blessed with 4 kids and wish I was able to spend more time with them than I do. There is nothing more important than family guys so keep whoever is in it as close as you can. God bless
I am so sorry for your loss. It's a parents worst nightmare to lose a child no matter what age. I hug my kids often. My heart goes out to you brother.
You are not alone on this date. My sons 8th birthday would have been yesterday. He was born in 2002, and passed away in 2005. 15 days after my second son was born and 4 days before my 21st birthday. Still isn't any easier to get through those dates. He is buried beside my dad and grandpa.
To me the most helpless feeling in the world was listening to my wife cry as our pastor made the 9-1-1 call and knew I couldn't do a thing about it.

Or when the doctors gave us the bad news and cleared the ER room so we could have some privacy and all I could do was hold my wife and know that any words I could say would be meaningless. Except the words: "I love you."

Same here buddy.....we were in his office. The dr. just looked so sad searching with the scope for her heart, and all I remember is my wife just screaming no... I've never felt that helpless. Felt like my hands were tied behind my back. They had us go home and come back the next morning. I took cindy to her moms and went to our house and took down the bassinet and crib. I had to get the wall stuff down. Put away all the baby stuff...Then go be there for her...She had to have labor and deliver her..That was so hard on her... I carried her little casket from the car to the grave site. I still remember like it was yesterday...
To me the most helpless feeling in the world was listening to my wife cry as our pastor made the 9-1-1 call and knew I couldn't do a thing about it.

Or when the doctors gave us the bad news and cleared the ER room so we could have some privacy and all I could do was hold my wife and know that any words I could say would be meaningless. Except the words: "I love you."

We were at church, the wife turns to me and says I don't feel right and the baby doesn't seem to be moving, we went right to the hospital. They did an ultrasound and couldn't get a heart beat with the monitor. To this day (since it was back in 1985) I will NEVER understand why the Dr. made her carry the dead baby for almost another week before they would take it! She was already within a week or two of "Leslie's" birth. She looked so perfect and beautiful!
After something like that it's hard for your wife to be pregnant, scary as He!!.

Big hug to your wife today!!!!!!
I know exactly how you feel and bless you and your wife. Thank God you still have her! My ex-wife and I lost our baby 2 years ago. I think about him everytime I see a father and his little son. It would have been my only child. Losing the child ruined our marriage.
You are not alone on this date. My sons 8th birthday would have been yesterday. He was born in 2002, and passed away in 2005. 15 days after my second son was born and 4 days before my 21st birthday. Still isn't any easier to get through those dates. He is buried beside my dad and grandpa.

Kate's due date was in June-July. But we mark this as her birthday. She would have been 7.

I understand the dates. It's hard to celebrate something when you're in mourning at the same time. My wife and I haven't had a Valentine's Day for ourselves since. And we lost Peanut this same month back in '06. At the same time we have my parents' wedding anniversary coming up and my sister's birthday.

For those well meaning and well intentioned folks who say "it's time to move on.." There's no time limit on grief.
Robert I am sheading tears for you and Sarah right now and can't imagine your pain on this day. I am still at a loss for words to really express how I feel for you and Sarah.

Noel, thank you. I know you wanted to know about Katie. Here's the story. And if I can help some guys know they aren't alone in their grief, then there is some good to come from sharing the story.
Gods will is hard to understand. I suppose he likes to surround himself with little angels and sometimes forgets what it will do to us.I hope somewhere someday theirs a child to fill the empty spot in your hearts.:angel7::angel7::angel7:
My heart goes out to you guys, this is something I hope I never have to go through. It takes a strong person to live through times as hard as those. I have been blessed with 4 kids and wish I was able to spend more time with them than I do. There is nothing more important than family guys so keep whoever is in it as close as you can. God bless

Chuck, you have that right.

I am so sorry for your loss. It's a parents worst nightmare to lose a child no matter what age. I hug my kids often. My heart goes out to you brother.

No one should have to go through that.

I am sorry.

Thank you, guys. As you can see, I'm not alone and I'm sure the thoughts are shared.
Kate's due date was in June-July. But we mark this as her birthday. She would have been 7.

I understand the dates. It's hard to celebrate something when you're in mourning at the same time. My wife and I haven't had a Valentine's Day for ourselves since. And we lost Peanut this same month back in '06. At the same time we have my parents' wedding anniversary coming up and my sister's birthday.

For those well meaning and well intentioned folks who say "it's time to move on.." There's no time limit on grief.

Our due date was July 17th.
We arent together any more but this is one thing that we still share...GRIEF
It never gets better.......Time heals but it doesn't get better.
Same here buddy.....we were in his office. The dr. just looked so sad searching with the scope for her heart, and all I remember is my wife just screaming no... I've never felt that helpless. Felt like my hands were tied behind my back. They had us go home and come back the next morning. I took cindy to her moms and went to our house and took down the bassinet and crib. I had to get the wall stuff down. Put away all the baby stuff...Then go be there for her...She had to have labor and deliver her..That was so hard on her... I carried her little casket from the car to the grave site. I still remember like it was yesterday...

I was baptised standing at the alter where Katie's casket was resting. I always told Sarah I would be baptised with our first child.

The doctor induced Sarah right away. She was a champ, but had us worried. The drugs did some strange things. And then, the operation afterwards. When they brought Sarah back out of the OR to the room, my niece, who was thirteen at the time, thought something had happened to Aunt Sarah.

We actually had to wait to bury Katie. The ground here was frozen hard enough that the cemetary crew wouldn't dig. Two months later and it was like we had to go through a funeral all over again.
I know exactly how you feel and bless you and your wife. Thank God you still have her! My ex-wife and I lost our baby 2 years ago. I think about him everytime I see a father and his little son. It would have been my only child. Losing the child ruined our marriage.

My wife and I share a rapport now that I don't think another woman will understand. I'm sorry that your loss also ruined your relationship. Hold on, brother. You have a listening ear if you need one. You can PM me if you want an email address.