Killed a hog today.....


Small Block

Well-Known Member
Jan 29, 2005
Reaction score
West Plains, Mo.
.....and boned it out in preperation for the up and coming deer season. Some wonder what a hog has to do with deer season. Well, let me explain. When making summer sausage we use a 20%/80% mix in the summer sausage. That's 20% pork and 80% deer and a mixture of spices. Seein how it will all be ground up into burger i bought a 560 LB old sow and killed her and hauled it to the house and my brother and i along with my son and nephew dressed it and boned it out. Tomorrow we'll grind it up and put it away till deer season which is Nov 14. We plan on killing at least 10 deer and making the usual jerky and summer sausage. The sow weighed 560 lb and we got 170 lbs of meat. Now this is very lean meat. Jimmy Dean puts a lot more reject stuff in their sausage than we do but still we have only $1.10 per lb in the sausage and jerky. That's with spices and bags. I think we can average 25 lbs of burger per deer so that will give us at least 300 lbs of good sausage and jerky. We called Wally World and they get $2.99 per lb for sausage. I'll set back 50 lbs of pork for the summer sausage and the rest we'll do into breakfast sausage. This will make some killer summer sausage that i'm sure there are those on here can vouch for. Do you guys or gals process your own meat? The price of the hog was $160. Better save that money when you it's fun.
Small Block
That summer sausage sounds great! Last I had was made from a elk I shot a few years ago. Didn't make it myself though had a butcher shop do it.
Your making my mouth water Small Block!
We mix about 30% ground pork with our ground deer as well. Kids would rather have deer/pork burgers than regular hamburgers any day.
Summer sausage sound great its been a while since I had any.
I have had some of Small Blocks summer sausage and Jerky =P~=P~=P~=P~
If Bill remember's :happy10: I helped hang 70 lb's worth in his smoker.
What a great day.
I don't make it myself because Bill keeps me supplied during the season 8)
Yep Small block's deer burger and summer sausage is outstanding :thumbrig::notworth:
raysandy knows about the 20%/80% for a great deer burger too
I think I hit Bill up twice if not three times last year :-$:-$ :cheers:
I have pictures some where here of his tall smoker and set up 8)
Correction, we had 191 lbs of ground pork. We saved 50 lbs for the deer summer sausage, made 25 lbs into Italian sausage, 25 lbs into Cajun sausage and the rest we made into hot breakfast sausage. We already tried the Cajun and Italian and it's to die for. Next time though i'll make the Cajun a little hotter. You guys and gals that cant or dont do this, i feel sorry for ya. Cheap plus you cant beat the quality. We're setting ready for deer season now.
Small Block
Just to let you know we had Pork Shoulder on sale last week at .89c per lb
last week. Sold almost 1200 lbs. Makes excellent sausage or mix with venison.
Small block, I live north of you by springfield. I was wondering how hard the hogs are to find. I understand they are becoming a pest down there and we have year round open season. Is the meat good by itself? I may go south to hunt after deer season.
Never killed a wild hog myself. We use the domesticated kind for the sausage. There are some wild ones around here and it's open season year round on the wild hogs as they tear up the land of farmers and are said to carry disease.
Small Block
Hey Bill, They not only root up the fields and pastures; they rooted up my Mother`s yard all year until the hunters filled up their deer feeders. One game cam caught 11 sleeping and 1 still eating under the feeder; that was the big ones; the little ones could not get close enough to the feeder to get in the picture. Yes they are good eating! Hope you get your deer. Good luck and God bless you. Wayne