Ladies, girls, and semi-gurls, PLEASE stop with the painted eyebrows



Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2010
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'Cuz, GAWD they are fugly

Brings to mind a joke, "I told my girlfriend she drew her eyebrows on too high...she looked surprised"
I think you are wrong....they might just be practicing Clowns.
Do you mean politicians? Scary to think someone would make themselves look like that and think they look sexy or beautiful. Some poor bastard climbs up beside them at night, good luck to them. Hope they have an antidote!
What I don't get is-

You're paying for this.....why aren't they symmetrical?

Even people who are paid to be on TV have this issue.
Back in high school some kid thought it would be funny to shave his eyebrows off. Why? Well, it was funny, to us I suppose. Didn't take him long to get embarrassed, so he drew them back on with Sharpie. Only, one was slightly raised, so he had a permanent curiosity about him.
We'd occasionally shave half of a passed out person's eyebrow from each eye.

The same relative half, not both outside or inside halves.

Took a while for most others to notice exactly what was wrong.
My wife's niece (notice I made no claim) looks like she puts makeup on with a spray gun. Does all that goofy crap to her eyes that make her look like a rabid racoon on crack. My wife says she looks like a transvestite!
