laser rust removal!



I know I'm right....
Oct 13, 2004
Reaction score
Tustin, CA
Forget about hair, how about rust. How freak'n cool is this! 1000W laser just makes rust disappear on this metal piece. imagine doing a rust buckets hood with this as well as other parts.
wow technology is just starting to take off the next 25 years will be interesting .
Interesting. That's a lot of power, something you don't let your kids loose with.
And no light sabers yet? This is Bullshit.
I've seen these used for paint removal and rust removal. Basically the laser sends an intense beam of light to the rust, and paint surface. The paint or rust absorbs the light and basically turns to plasma. The only reason it doesn't heat the metal below is because metal reflects the light away.
yes, expensive. One Comment was to buy one to restore a Ferrari, the comment under it was "F that, just buy 2 RESTORED Ferraris for the price of this..." Super cool though, when's the HF version come out?
Looks like the same tool to remove paint as well.

[ame=""]1000W Laser Car De-Painting - - YouTube[/ame]
They are using this to strip paint off aircraft...I believe they are military fighter jets....