Last one to post in this thread wins!

Razor blades and sharp putty knives so far? Be nice to strip the whole thing that way.
Razor blades is working real good so far down to the epoxy that stuck real good.
I think the painter didn't sand the epoxy before putting the paint on and the looks of the paint job he didn't know what he was doing.
Razor blades is working real good so far down to the epoxy that stuck real good.
I think the painter didn't sand the epoxy before putting the paint on and the looks of the paint job he didn't know what he was doing.
I wonder if the panels were primed at the factory that supplied the kit.
I wonder if the panels were primed at the factory that supplied the kit.
That's what I thought but look at the rivets.
What a game , had it pvr’d was reffing the gold metal game this morning bantam rep. So watched it when I got home again super great game go Canada go :canada:
TSRIF. Been snowing all night but not real heavy. Hope MM got back ok and he enjoyed himself. Going to the Dr this morning so see what he's going to do with the prednizone. Hopefully he'll taper me off to nothing this week as the hands and wrists are good. The stuff does work good but sure increases your food intake. I've put on 4 lbs but Xmas and New Years didn't help either.
Have a great day and an even better week.
Omg second ! Same weather here,woke up to a dusting of snow ,first day back to work after Christmas break can’t wait :realcrazy: oh well gotta pay the bills some how :rolleyes: have a good one guys ttyl.
How did it go with the doctor Mark?
Hi Mike... He's left me on the same dosage till the end of the month. As he says he wants me to come off it very slow even though everything is good now but being cautious. Another blood test today. Feeling like a pincushion lol.
Did you get much snow? We got maybe 2" but was wet and packing snow. I started to shovel and thought screw that and got the blower out. Thx for asking.
Hi Mike... He's left me on the same dosage till the end of the month. As he says he wants me to come off it very slow even though everything is good now but being cautious. Another blood test today. Feeling like a pincushion lol.
Did you get much snow? We got maybe 2" but was wet and packing snow. I started to shovel and thought screw that and got the blower out. Thx for asking.
We hardly got any snow, looked outside and it was white . Only lasted about 2 minutes , covered everything in white but was gone shortly after . Hope the weather holds out making that trip to London Wed.
Cool day today, weather wise. Calling for freezing rain and worse this weekend. More ot it looks like
Well that was a day ! First one back since dec 24 , you think in that time things would change lmao ,NOT ! Man if I didn’t have expensive tastes I wouldn’t work , but my life choices force me there like Fred buying expensive car parts :)
We hardly got any snow, looked outside and it was white . Only lasted about 2 minutes , covered everything in white but was gone shortly after . Hope the weather holds out making that trip to London Wed.
Just checked the weather channel for London and says sunny and -5 with 40% chance of snow. Looks pretty good for you FOG. Probably a 2.5 hr drive for a 10 minute check up then drive home. Bummer!!!