Last one to post in this thread wins!

Morning guys off to work gonna put the cab corner on the ford truck today I think.
Well that was a day ! First one back since dec 24 , you think in that time things would change lmao ,NOT ! Man if I didn’t have expensive tastes I wouldn’t work , but my life choices force me there like Fred buying expensive car parts :)
I have expensive taste Biff because I'm a lousy shopper. lol
Well talked to my son Sam yesterday and looks like I'm gonna be a grandpa today so excited and hope all goes well.
Oh wonderful Fred. Better buy more shaving cream LOL. How is your son doing in Alaska? Coming home for a visit soon?
Gotta train them right, baby gift is a can of shaving cream. lol
He is gonna try and visit this summer.
Gonna have lots of relatives over by the sound of it.
Well , got news last night it rained 26of 31 days in dec . Got almost 70mm over night , and supposed to keep on all week