Last one to post in this thread wins!

271.57 in of rain annually record was 1997 366.4in fell yikes that’s a lot !
I live right at the end of what use to be part of the great lakes so Iv'e herd and water does not sink in the ground much here, it has to evaporate. 271.57 would flood us.
How did your physical go Fred?

From what you said to Mark you're feeling your age, can relate!

All the years as a stupid jarhead have definitely taken their toll. Being 10 feet tall and bullet-proof made me stupid things when I was young. They say young Marines are too stupid to lay down if they're dead, I believe that. And I am paying for it now.

Hey, hold my beer a minute will ya...

How did your physical go Fred?

From what you said to Mark you're feeling your age, can relate!

All the years as a stupid jarhead have definitely taken their toll. Being 10 feet tall and bullet-proof made me stupid things when I was young. They say young Marines are too stupid to lay down if they're dead, I believe that. And I am paying for it now.

Hey, hold my beer a minute will ya...
I failed my physical can no longer drive truck. My blood pressure is to high and even with hearing aides I can't here.
No big deal I am sick of driving semi's and after raising 8 kids I am wore out. If I can get my car restored and meet some of you guys I will be happy. You bet Jeff I will hold your beer and have another for ya.
A jarhead you are but not dumb because you were trying to protect not only your wife and kids but all us here in the States. No Jeff be proud of what you are, Most people have no idea what you have gone through to serve this country and my hat is off to you.
Yes I’ve heard of that, it may on the coldest day get to -10 mabey once. It a was 8 deg today sun with a bit of clouds worked in a tee shirt and coveralls nice for working. No rain was a bonus !
I'd take that Biff. Nice if was like that all Winter.
I failed my physical can no longer drive truck. My blood pressure is to high and even with hearing aides I can't here.
No big deal I am sick of driving semi's and after raising 8 kids I am wore out. If I can get my car restored and meet some of you guys I will be happy. You bet Jeff I will hold your beer and have another for ya.
A jarhead you are but not dumb because you were trying to protect not only your wife and kids but all us here in the States. No Jeff be proud of what you are, Most people have no idea what you have gone through to serve this country and my hat is off to you.
Sorry to hear that Fred but the good thing is that you have survived driving truck, no easy task these days with all the idiots on the road. You've done a great job on raising your family single handed but you'd give up everything if you could have your wife back to help you. Not an easy job especially with 8 kids. Great job Buddy.
I thought you guys were getting that white slippery stuff?

At least the rain goes away!

Can work in a T shirt, that's what I like. We will only get measurable snow 3 or 4 times a year. When that happens you stay home because people get in wrecks in their own driveways. No idea how to drive!
I thought you guys were getting that white slippery stuff?

At least the rain goes away!

Can work in a T shirt, that's what I like. We will only get measurable snow 3 or 4 times a year. When that happens you stay home because people get in wrecks in their own driveways. No idea how to drive!
It did snow further North of us and caused a horrible head on collision between a Kia and a Hyundai. Older lady killed and her husband in serious condition and the driver of the other car some minor injuries.
Don't have to shovel rain Jeff.
I've been told by some Americans that 1/2" of snow will shut the state down. Is that exaggeration or gospel?
Talk about a stupid driver but a lucky one. My daughter took this picture yesterday. Lucky the guy didn't roll the car I would say. Explain that one to the Insurance Company.