learn from others fu#k ups

Ask for help when things don't go right... earlier than later.

My 64 Falcon was making a loud screech. Narrowed it to the manual tranny. Took it out, completely dissassembled twice - could not find the problem.

Early 20s, just moved, new job, didn't know a soul. No money, wife & kids to feed. R&R done on a driveway mid winter in Manning Alberta - 40 below in the dark with a flashlight. If you don't believe the temp, google that place.

Finally found an old guy at an auto wrecker who recognised the sound. Tailshaft bushing. Easy four bolt removal. He had a used one for $8.00.

Lessons learned that hard are not forgotten.
Never jump straight up in the back of a pickup that's parked in a shed with a low overhead roof!

When removing a fender with an impact gun, never reach behind and grab the welded nut if it hapens to break loose. (It's like sticking your hand into a blender!)

When changing the timing chain in a small block never forget and leave off the fuel pump eccentric or you'll be running an electric fuel pump for the rest of the car's life!
Make sure to properly torque your timing gear to the camshaft or you could shear off the index pin leaving you stranded....DOH!!!!