LED taillight source...

here are a few videos of my first try
first without the lenses

and this is with everything installed
im not happy with the turn signals (as you can tell, i went with all amber turn signals)
so after a cup of coffee i will rewire it and use the bottom slot as a brake light, and the top slot as a turn signal

man i don't know.. i think you need a lot more lights to fill those lenes better..

you may very well be right
it looks like they were a LOT brighter before going behind those 45 year old lenses

i did swap the "high beams" so that the brake lights are on the bottom, and the turn signals are all amber, and the upper "high beams"

it does seem a little better, but im not sure about it
(worst cast scenario, i can return everything to stock, but run a few strobe lights for the brakes, since i just ran a new wire for that circuit)
either way, so far im out less then 10 dollars and a few hours of playtime

since were on the topic, my right hand turn signal works when the running lights are OFF but NOT when they are on
any idea whats causing that?