


Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2005
Reaction score
Keymar, MD
Looking at Howard cams and their lifters and some have the ending DL, Apparently it means a Direct Lube lifter. Engine is a 360 LA and will have a Mechanical flat tappet cam. Are the direct lube lifters worth the extra $ and does anything special have to be done to use them over the normal lifter?
I have a set for the 318 I'm putting together, I figured the direct oiling might reduce the risk of damaging the lobes/lifters during break in so I paid the extra for the ones with the EDM oiling hole.
Nothing special needed to run them but they also oil to the pushrod so non oiling pushrods might be better so you don't send excessive oil up top.
Part number 91718

I run the EDM lifters. When I bought them I was concerned that it would be a waste. The hole is SMALL and I figured it would get plugged pretty quickly, however they have been in the motor for 10 years. I have had them out two or three times and every time I could see each one was clear. I would buy them again.
they provide oil pressure to lobe/lifter area, keeps them oiled, vs splash type . they are worth it !!
They are made by HyLift Johnson so they are quality lifters. Same as Crower, Isky, et al.