Little stuff that can piss you off....

omg!I could go on and on about little things that piss me off.
When I go to like McDonalds or other fast food restraunts and tell them no mayo.I get home hungry as hell only to FIND MAYO IN MY BURGER!:angry7:
When someone honks at me at the stop light when the light only turned green 1 second ago:thebirdm:
This ones been pissing me off lately too and please I hope no one takes offence:Barely-English speaking parts people at Autozone.I ordered some drum brake shoes for my Duster only to get them today and find disk pads in the box :pain10:
When your pc freezes :angry7:
Or when you are working on your car outside and drop a very important bolt or clip and cannot find it no matter how hard you look only to find it later after spending an hour going through your nuts and bolts bins,lol
ok,theres more but that is it for now :toothy10:
I hate setting something down and not remembering where you set it. I will end up swearing up a storm and throwing crap everywhere till I find it.

That's known as OFMS (Old farts memory syndrome). Got the same problem here cept I don't swear or throw stuff anymore. Too hard to find it again with my OFBES (old farts bad eyes syndrome) LOL

People that park in a handicap stall with no permit even if it's for a couple seconds. :thebirdm: I have zero qualms about approaching said lazy pos' either. I'll continue to take pix of their rides (license plates) & turn them in.

People that think I should want to do this or that or act a certain way simply because of my disability. Dude, you don't have a flippin' clue what it's like to push yourself around in a 'chair so don't even assume for me anything. This prolly bothers me more than anything else.

That is high on my list too. My mother-in-law is in a wheelchair and we have went to wal-mart before only to see all the handicapped spaces taken up and a lot of the times you see some cars in the handicapped spots have no handicapped designation sticker or plates.

I hate when I place things in one spot, and then 5 minutes later I can't find whatever I'm looking for. I think I have a problem where my mind has a 1000 completely different thoughts going on all at once. Everyday. I swear I'll be working on one thing, and then doing something completely unrelated. I loose lots of stuff.......

Another case of OFMS.. LOL
There are plenty of idiots on the road, I've even had my own "blonde" moments now and again. What I really despise is when you're in a hurry and all the morons and jerks start crawling out of the woodwork with one goal - to slow you down as much as possible.
That's another one that happens to me, and it seems to happen a lot lately.
I work at a bar on the weekends seems like every 21 year old kid comes through the door with their hat cocked to the side and there pants halfway down there ***. For god sakes wear your damn hat right and pull your pants up.