Living out in the country....



Well-Known Member
May 24, 2009
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Spent most of my life in a town/city atmosphere. Retired and took off to the hills. Really enjoy living out here. 20 or so miles to the nearest street light. Closest traffic signal is 30 or so miles. Quiet at night, except for the coyotes. Only problem is when you are elbow deep in a project only to discover that you are 2 bolts short for your project, a board you were counting on using is to twisted or you run out of beer.....:banghead:
The first fix is you never....Never run out of beer.

Get it tomorrow ink 8-) it will wait on ya :wink:.
That's why I buy hardware and consumables in bulk.......including beer and neighbors come to me instead of ACE......
I live about 2 miles out of town. Far enough to be away from it, but close enough that a quick run for groceries or beer isn't a big inconvenience.
I live in a neighborhood and honestly wish I would have thought about it a bit more before buying and did as you, went for the hills. I don't much like neighbors and get a good share of salesmen and Jehovahs witnesses.. wish they would leave me alone. We did buy in a neighborhood built in the 70s which helps a bit in terms of slightly larger lots compared to the new ones around here that you can literally touch the house next door from your window but still too close for me.
Well, Doug, when ya get ta thinkin' you are "out there" go read some of the "King of Obsolete", LOL



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If you hit a brick wall on one project b/c you're waiting for a certain bolt, jump over to the next project in waiting. And keep garage fridge #2 well-stocked!
We live about 1.5 miles out of town. Our property is gated on 5 acres. If someone calls the gate were like WhoTF is that?. We don't take we'll to solicitors and are glad our neighbors mind their own business. I can Hot Rod my car around here all day and nobody complains at all. We too are far enough away from people but close enough to town that it is not too inconvenient.
I too live out in the country and love it. We are only eight miles from town and got some really good neighbors were people still help people.

I probably would have gotten throwed out of town for all the junk round my garage and the old mopars.
I live about 2 miles out of town. Far enough to be away from it, but close enough that a quick run for groceries or beer isn't a big inconvenience.

That is to close for us. We are far enough out that there is very little, if any city light bleed thru. Not to mention if things turn around 2 miles will get swallowed up by developers in next to no time.

I live in a neighborhood and honestly wish I would have thought about it a bit more before buying and did as you, went for the hills. I don't much like neighbors and get a good share of salesmen and Jehovahs witnesses.. wish they would leave me alone. We did buy in a neighborhood built in the 70s which helps a bit in terms of slightly larger lots compared to the new ones around here that you can literally touch the house next door from your window but still too close for me.

We have been here for 4.5 years and have had zero of the Religious Cult visitors. We have never even had any trick or treaters.....but then again the fence/gates would stop them any way. When we were in AZ we would get the Cults visiting damn near weekly. Answer the door enough times with a firearm and they will get the point.

If you hit a brick wall on one project b/c you're waiting for a certain bolt, jump over to the next project in waiting. And keep garage fridge #2 well-stocked!

My back up project is rock farming....and if I don't feel like rock farming I can always get back to work on the trees on the sides of our roads......we have to maintain our own roads....

We live about 1.5 miles out of town. Our property is gated on 5 acres. If someone calls the gate were like WhoTF is that?. We don't take we'll to solicitors and are glad our neighbors mind their own business. I can Hot Rod my car around here all day and nobody complains at all. We too are far enough away from people but close enough to town that it is not too inconvenient.

Our 5 acres is fenced and gated as well. Has not stopped our winter visitors, the deer, from visiting us. Even Petey the peacock is still here. Lately the dogs have not even bothered to chase him when he is in the yard. Pretty common site to see our neighbors out buzzing up & down our dirt roads on there ATV's.

We have very lax gun laws in this county. Shooting on your own property is not a big deal. Our one dog freaks out over it so I don't. Our neighbors annual party is coming up soon, he fires at tannerite targets.......and launches an anvil several times.

I have been thinking about finally getting a telescope. It is dark enough out here where I could use one. Don't know nothing about them but I guess I can learn.

We pretty much only go to town once a week. And that is to often.

Our dogs really enjoy the fenced five acres. When we first moved up here they all were a bit portly. Since fencing the yard in I have had to increase there food.....and have to again. Our one dog went from chasing lizards in AZ to gophers up here. While it has not happened to us yet our friends down the road have had the gophers take out the electric going to there chicken coupe as well as there sprinkler system.

Any of you fellow country folks have chickens by any chance? If so I need to talk with you.....
We're in what I think is a purdy good spot. About 6 miles to the closest town.....of about 1000. About 10 miles from a town of about 2500.....although there are probably 5000 workin there in the day. About 25 miles from Macon....about 100,000 and about 25 miles away from Milledgeville.....about 50,000 or so.
We're in what I think is a purdy good spot. About 6 miles to the closest town.....of about 1000. About 10 miles from a town of about 2500.....although there are probably 5000 workin there in the day. About 25 miles from Macon....about 100,000 and about 25 miles away from Milledgeville.....about 50,000 or so.

Does indeed sound like a very good spot.....
Something to coinsider about being far away from civilization: You are also far away from Doctors. If you are the healthy type, this means very little.
IMO neighbors make all the difference in where you live. Noisy/annoying neighbors make you wish you lived in the sticks, but quiet mindful neighbors make the existence just the same as living out in the country. Except you can still drive short distances to stores.
We live in a gated neighborhood about 10 miles from Macon, Ga., and about 5 miles from the nearest "convenience" store, and there are two supermarkets, about a half mile past that, and they are both located in strip malls with all kinds of stores and restaurants including an auto parts store, a K-mart, and there's even an Ace Hardware just around the corner.
The local Dodge dealership is about 7 miles away and a hospital is about 8 miles. ;)
I live way out in the sticks, I wouldn't have it any other way. the closest town is 15 miles away, the best part is I can test and tune with open headers LOL . also makes for great pics


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