


Mar 30, 2008
Reaction score
Windsor, Ont
I know I'm new here but why is it so many people don't have their location on their signature? It would make the classified section a whole lot easier when trying to figure out where a part/car is located. Just a thought.
I know I'm new here but why is it so many people don't have their location on their signature? It would make the classified section a whole lot easier when trying to figure out where a part/car is located. Just a thought.

I have to agree :-D
I agree also! I happen to be looking for some LARGE items like front bench seat,67 - 69 dart hood and interested in buying other items also and storing them for later use but I want to find something close too me and it would be much easier with at least the State or major town in there for all to see. When I see something really far away I don't even have to look at that item. Maybe the Moderators can get something going on that or let us know if it is a problem to do so.
Totally agree, Sometimes want to find something close to home. Being near the West coast, shipping charges can be a deal killer if coming from the East. Shipping charges have increased with gas prices quite a bit.

Not a big deal to include location or state in avatar.
I agree. If it is a privacy thing that is cool but all you have to do is click on an avatar and google the zip to find out what town thay live in.
I would be happy if everyone would at least sign their posts with their name for Gods sake! LOL
I hate saying thanks to a guy named Hkt65lm340dude or something.

Agreed: Over on 440scorce forums if you don't put that info in your post gets jerked. Damm good idea. Some have their zip in the profile but then you have to go search for the location. Fastback, Can you take a hint.
Bill, West Plains, Mo.
Privacy is a good thing and I can understand it. It would be good to have your location listed under your screen name. I don't see it as a big deal. It certainly helps when selling a part. It will cut down on what I call, "Stupid posts." Truly, the only posts I call stupid. Having to ask where you are. and price, list a price for crying out loud!!!!!

For me, my zip is included so you know where it is coming from and can possibly calculate the approx. shipping to you.