lokar kickdown cables. info please i have questions



Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2009
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Eureka,Ca Humboldt
so i went to the shop this morning and the guy says that im missing a peice of the orig kickdown that i bought from a member so i asked him. if i got the lokar kickdown cable would he put it on he said as long as it will work then yes.

will this kit work on my 63 wagon with the 904 and 317 dart engine with no problems?

do they work well not gonna break in a few months from now?

will it work with the orig bracket for the throtle and kickdown thats on it or do i need to buy there bracket?
but will i also have to get there lokar throtle cable too if i get there bracket ?

srry so many questions spending money i i would like to know some things first. thanks for the help
I have a lokar kickdown cable on my Duster and it's been alright for me. Its even twisted around the headers and hasn't given me any problems for about a year now. It is a little tough to cut without unbraiding it, but that's with way with pretty much all of them.
been running lokar cables for years and have never had a problem with them.

you need the kickdown kit and the throtle return spring kit for it to hook up and work right
im having the shop do it as long as its kinda easy for them and it will fit ill get a good price

so i need to get there throtle bracket?
Yes, it hooks into their bracket that bolts to the back drivers side stud of the carb. You do need it. I love them. They work great.
i got it orderd and i got my check today yay! used a code from a post in this site and they said no then they said we'll give u a new one
Just remember that there is some stretch that happens during the first 2 weeks and you will need to take some of the slop out. Other than that they work great!

If you want to eliminate the unbraiding wrap some tape around the cable housing with your cut in the center of the tape. Also for the cable it self wrap some tape around it first and use a dremel tool with a cut off wheel and you will have no problems.
i used a lokar kickdown on my /6 to 360 conversion in my 64, it works great and is quite easy to adjust and I've had no problems with it in two years of almost daily driving. When installing I had to hammer on the tunnel a little bit to get some clearance but not that big of a deal. With the trans out of the car for a rebuild I was able to work the area a little more for better clearance for the trans mounting bracket and clevis. Remember this cable comes into the rear of the trans to pull on the kickdown lever rather than push from the front like the original rod linkage. Overall I was very glad I spent the money on this rather than trying to piece together the hard linkage and it was probably about the same cost in the end with much less hassle. Go for it.