Look at that!

That guy REALLY thinks he cares about his car lol
Reminds me of a friend of a friend who knew I was into cars. On and on and on he'd point out the mint collectible Pontiac 6000 woody wagon he had. Everytime I saw him, we'd have to walk around and around, and in and out, while he'd be spitting on my face with excitement pointing out how well preserved the mac tac was. I had to stare at the car just to keep my eyes from rolling up into my skull..

Looks like a ford fairmont my mom had one when I was a kid what what a pile of crap that thing was.
reminds me of a friend of a friend who knew i was into cars. On and on and on he'd point out the mint collectible pontiac 6000 woody wagon he had. Everytime i saw him, we'd have to walk around and around, and in and out, while he'd be spitting on my face with excitement pointing out how well preserved the mac tac was. I had to stare at the car just to keep my eyes from rolling up into my skull..


Looks like a ford fairmont my mom had one when I was a kid what what a pile of crap that thing was.

Had a coworker who had that one was a retired cop car with a 302 and a 5speed,...ain't ever seen or heard of another,....It was cool, but It was also a shop queen...
Turned 16 working at a pizza joint I got "promoted" to delivery. Brand new 78 Ford Fairmonts. Never saw a cheaper interior. Cars lasted less than two years, although we may have contributed to their early demise :). They made K-cars look like quality pieces.
