Look what we woke up to

It's a balmy 50F today here in Denver and was 60F yesteday. It won't last though, they're forcasting snow for tonight, aarrggghh. Weather changes here real fast.
It's a balmy 50F today here in Denver and was 60F yesteday. It won't last though, they're forcasting snow for tonight, aarrggghh. Weather changes here real fast.

The same here ramcharger! it was in the the teens at night here and highs in the upper 20's just two days ago and know the high's are in the mid 50's
Here in Arkansas if you don't like the weather just wait it will change.:clock:

keep his tool cool . Sids so funny.:-D
We got about an inch more snow yesterday from that same NW storm. I have had snow on the ground since Thanksgiving sunday so yesterday just added to the total. I am running about 10" now.

All this talk about snow is putting me in the holiday spirit lol :supz:
Drunk Santa.jpg

Drunk Santa.jpg
we haven't had crap yet here in jersey

Hey Joe, quiet over there. When you see no snow, I see no snow. And that's a good thing.....

If I never saw snow again I could care less.
Yeah we got another 2" last night. Sure made it for a fun ride to work. I don't think I got over 25 mph, and I work 21 miles from my house. Allot of people didn't make it in so the shut down the plants, but since I am in receiving I had to work. It should all be gone in a few days and we can get back to normal
I hate winter. I like the snow, cold, and everything that comes with the weather. I HATE the way people drive. We get snow in south dakota and people start acting like it wasn't just here 6 months ago. People have to retrain themselves how to drive. You can still drive the same speed you just need to give yourself plenty of time to stop/turn. I love screwing around in the snow... Getting too warm here. 38 F and I don't need a coat and everything starts to melt... Looking forward to 45 F so I can start wearing shorts again.
Hey guys we are getting some snow here as well on the north end of vancouver island, now I know that I'm weird but it's kinda nice.
Now I have to put this in context for you it has been basicaly raining here from Oct 15/2006 with some snow last year and about a week of sun last summer.
So if the weather does anything other than rain then thats ausome.