Lost a great friend and mentor

As I wake this morning my hart goes out to my wife, sons and to all of Glen Francis friends and his great family[-o<
I was blest to have such a great man in my life and in my families life for 27 years.. Glen and I shared many days at the track planting trees with my sons when they was just 6 and 8 years old, this track holds many memories for me and my family.. R.I.P my friend and thank you for all the great memories you and your family put in our life :pale:
Some of you have seen my days and memories made at this 27 year old track that was just 7 miles from my home.
http://www.crraceway.com/ This is going to hit so so many people and friends here , Prayers for strength to the family and friends, Yes, that is a mouton of a man in the red shirt.

What a great man that gave everyone the time of day and wave as he passed by in town with a big smile. We have lost a great man

Sorry for your loss! Prayers sent out!