lost my best girl pug buddy today



Working on my custom car parts again!
Nov 2, 2008
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Webster , florida
We have (had) 4 awesome pugs.early this morning we lost our little 6 year old girl pug. she had diabetes and her sugar went through the roof (500) and she started bleeding internally. we had her in the hospital and were hoping that she'd pull through the night, the first time when we discovered she had sugar we were lucky I guess. we got her leveled back down to about 100, we had to give her shots twice a day to keep her leveled out. she had just went to the vet for her checkup and everything was ok 2 weeks ago. something happened to make her bleed and her sugar to go crazy and we have no idea what caused it. the wife and I are heartbroken and hurting about her. it's going to be hard on me since she was my little land "shark" and followed me everywhere.

we'll miss our baby girl Angel. we were blessed to keep her an extra 8 months since she was diagnosed with sugar I guess,but it sure hurts.

View attachment angle baby girl.jpg

here they all are in their favorite position (besides eating).
View attachment whole crew.jpg
Sorry to hear this, it's truly like losing family. Please accept my most sincere condolences.
I'm so sorry for your loss! I know how you feel. Its a terrible thing to have to go through. She looks like a real sweetheart and I'm sure she brought you much happiness during the time you had with her... Again, sorry for your loss.
Prayers sent. Still miss my Dalmation of 16 years. I know how you feel. It will get better in time.
No words can describe the pain of losing our pets,they are like our children. We recently had to put down our baby girl Jessie.She was 10,and had cancer. The wife and I put her in the car,and took her down to put her to rest.
Got to be the toughest thing I ever did in my life. We loved that girl to no end. The next week is going to be a rough one. Give those pups extra kisses and hugs,they will help you get through.


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So sorry, losing part of your family can be devastating. Be Strong and never forget the the good kid she was to you.
So sorry, losing part of your family can be devastating. Be Strong and never forget the the good kid she was to you.
This is what will help you get thru losing her....Sorry for your loss....
My Condolences and prayers for you and your wife to get through this.
Thanks all of you for your wishes.. I didn't think it would hurt as bad as it does. We've lost 2 this year. A 17 year old Pug(Shadow was active till the day he died (he went barking at the mail man and just keeled over) and then Angel. Yeah I'm snuggling with all the rest of the crew to help me get through this time.
again thanks all for the wishes
I'm very sorry for the loss of your puppy dog. Their little lives just aren't long enough, and I think that's why they all try to give so much love. I think they understand a lot better than people do, just how short life is. We lost our last dog on 10/10/11, and I've thought about her every day since then. She was 14 when we had to have her put to sleep. We have 2 others, and I dread the day the next one goes, but they are young...so hopefully it will be a while.
By the way....Where do you sleep ? :p
Truthfully .. pretty much on the edge of the bed:D but they do move over a little to let me in to scratch them before they go back to sleep.
I have to use 3 pillows just so I can have part of one.
I'm very sorry for the loss of your puppy dog. Their little lives just aren't long enough, and I think that's why they all try to give so much love. I think they understand a lot better than people do, just how short life is. We lost our last dog on 10/10/11, and I've thought about her every day since then. She was 14 when we had to have her put to sleep. We have 2 others, and I dread the day the next one goes, but they are young...so hopefully it will be a while.
yeah It hurts. she just had her 6th birthday(we got her in kansas as a rescue of 9 weeks old) and we have got all our pug's as rescues, that's the only way I'll get a pug. they need to be loved just as much as a breeders puppy. some of our pugs have had medical problems but our little girl didn't have anything wrong and then Bam! she got diabetes and we almost lost her 8 months ago. this time her sugar went nuts and we weren't able to save her. she was sooooo cool
I'd tell her to shark it and she'd peel back her lips and growl so loud that you';d think a chainsaw was started. then she'd look at me and go nut's bouncing and licking me say just like saying " did I do good"
she would follow me anywhere with out a leash and never get in front of me. the others are momma's pug's devoted to her they are but my little girls loved me. I will be missing her for a long time to come
Wow, so sad to see any body go threw this my sincere condolences sent out to you and
all the friends around her .
My wife and I are sorry for your loss , our Jack Russell was diagnosed 2 months ago with diabetes . So we are going through it right now. She is 10 years old , rescued from the pound . So far so good although we are afraid she will go blind over time though. Again sorry for your loss, just love the heck out of the other puggies.
Sorry to hear that, it sucks to loose a friend had to put mine down last year. i know it is not the same but you just can't, mine pulled me through my back surgery and then shortly after i was back on my feet he was done. never forget his face