lost my girl



Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2008
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My 12 year old shepard died Wednesday night. Bought broke my heart.
I am a true dog guy and I am very very sorry to hear that, they become like your right arm! I feel for you.
Sorry to hear that.5 years ago I lost my Boxer who was 14 and it killed me.I wasn't going to get another dog.About a month later I went to the pound just to look around.And guess what there was a 5 year old boxer that had been brought in around the time my Boxer died.I told my wife that is odd and I am not leaving here without that dog.We adopted him and he is 10 now and is a great dog.I adopted a playmate for him 2 years ago a mini boxer a Boston Terrier.I know how hard it is to loose a dog my Wife cried like a baby when he died and I had some tears too.
Sorry to hear this. The pain will subside but don't feel guilty for the way you feel with your loss, it's only natural.
I just received a PM from Mikel Beck. He lost his dog too. When my wife hears this it'll upset her as they became good buddies when ever we visited.

Like I said to Mikel, we have a deaf 15yr. old Mutt that makes me hold my breath every time I come home.She'll just lie there not responding. Then I startle when I wake her up walking around. I know we'll be re-visiting this topic again, and it always sucks. This has been a real shitty week for deaths and illness. I just found out my MAC tool dealer had a brain aneurysm and is in ICU, on top of hearing of 3 old friends having passed over the years...

My condolences to Duck & Mikel....
Sorry to hear about your loss.:sad7:
Our little buddy past away about a year and a half ago he was 18.
They become such a big part of your life.
Still haven't found one to replace him as if you really can.
Sorry to hear about your loss, I know how you feel.

Don't know if this helps at all but humans come in two varieties.

What I call real people, the ones who would rather be homeless than part ways with their 4 legged best friend, my kind of folks.

Then you get pretending to be human, the ones that give their PET away so they can rent an apartment in the better part of town.

Your Shepard was blessed to have a best friend and companion that falls into the Real People category, I'm pretty sure she knew that too.
sorry to hear. i kept a straight face when my female golden retriever passed but when i buried her and as i started to leave and rain started falling from the heavens it was a sign i could let my tears flow too. Real men arent afraid to cry. sometimes its just hard because youre numb.
I just received a PM from Mikel Beck. He lost his dog too. When my wife hears this it'll upset her as they became good buddies when ever we visited.

Like I said to Mikel, we have a deaf 15yr. old Mutt that makes me hold my breath every time I come home.She'll just lie there not responding. Then I startle when I wake her up walking around. I know we'll be re-visiting this topic again, and it always sucks. This has been a real shitty week for deaths and illness. I just found out my MAC tool dealer had a brain aneurysm and is in ICU, on top of hearing of 3 old friends having passed over the years...

My condolences to Duck & Mikel....

bad thing is, is as we get older it becomes more common.but it does beat the alternative that we,re not here to see it.
Thanks Guys. I really miss her. I walked out this morning and looked in her bed for her. Just a reaction I guess. Thanks for all the caring replys.
yea that is tuff...we lost our 14yr old shepp 2 months ago...My wife and I cried our eyes out...and it still hurts...Hang in their...we have a two year old shepp also, who is their to hold us up...Awesome dogs arn't they...
I am sorry to hear about the loss of your buddy. I don't have a dog but I have a 7 year old cat that thinks he is a dog. he comes running up to the truck,jumps in and goes for a ride, tangles with skunks(3) and lets strangers know what he thinks of them.
I can't imagine what you are going through, and when the time comes, I'm sure it will totally break my heart too.
My heart goes out to you and your family.....Hang in there
My deepest sympathies for your loss. I lost my GS/husky mix 4 years ago and not a day goes by that I don't think of her. Hang in there, soon the tears will be replaced with smiles as you transition from the grief of your loss to remembering the great times you had together.
Sorry to hear about that. We lost our family pet (a fiest mix) about 5 years ago, she was like family to us.

Sorry to here about your loss of a great friend duckbuster.
I am sure you gave your girl a great 12 years of being her master.
Feel blest to have had her as long as you did :-D.

I hope you can give another lucky dog a great home.:happy10:
sorry about your loss,it happen to me couple of years ago. Loss two dogs within a couple of months,just waiting until the time was right for me to get a new one.