lost my job

Same here, My wife was a director at a hospital that got bought and they put there own director in and she was an assistant director, after 8 years and not one demerit she was on call and she could not make it, they asked would this happen again and she said yes it could, Fired making a little over 18 dollars an hour, her replacement will jump in at 9.85 an hour It's all business and she is home with me now, and enjoying working at home and spending more time with our family and Grandchildren.
The lady did not fallow protocol and did not even try and call some one ells in....You would not believe how many co workers has called and said they can't believe they did what they did......... The new Director has only been there 11 months and this was on her hit list to get Treva out of there.... JMO.... I bet she is wishing Treva was there now, But it's all good and we have all our essentials.
I bet the director is walking on glass for telling Treva to clear her desk, she was dedicated and never was wrote up on anything in 8 years she was there.. I bet this story is not over ...
the title said it all

my boss annonce me yesterday afternoon they dont need me anymore
the will get a tech advisor at 13$ per hour instead of me

I have one month after that I dont know what I will do
with 2 kids at home man I really dont know

Take inventory of yourself.

What skills do you have? Can you sell them? For example, are you a good mechanic? Can yo sell that to neighbors and and friends for cash. Remember, not only cars need mechanics, but so do many house hold appliances, bikes, lawn mowers.

Get your self set up to work out of your garage or truck.

A friend lost his job about 8 months ago. He collected for a while, and then started doing some "machanicin' and carpenterin'". He now makes about as much as we was making at his full time job, and only works about six and a half hours a day, four days a week.

Joyce and I had supper with he and his wife about 3 weeks ago, and they're are darn near completely caught up on all their bills, are considering a new (2010 or 2011) car.

Don't let this layoff throw you. File for unemployment, and start the job search, and do what you can on the side to earn money doing something you're good at.

Good luck to you, and keep us informed. :thumbup:
Can you explain the points system? Is there a thread somewhere? Do you get notified if you get points?

You get points for infractions that range from insulting other members, swearing at other members, being a spammer and a few other nasty things. Points for each infraction range from 3 to 6 and once you reach 15 you're banned. If you get an infraction you'll recieve a PM spelling out the reason and how long the points last. Points also fall off after a month or 2 and we can side step all of this and go to an immediate permanent ban in about 10 seconds just like Steve/sgf1 just recieved. Oh I almost forgot, Goodbye Steve.
All I can do as of now is Add you to my prayer list and hope another door opens soon for you. Best of luck!
There are plenty of jobs on the market you may have to take a loss in pay or retrain. I had my best 2 years back to back in auto sales last year. Im not bragging but if you want to work there is plenty out there.
You get points for infractions that range from insulting other members, swearing at other members, being a spammer and a few other nasty things. Points for each infraction range from 3 to 6 and once you reach 15 you're banned. If you get an infraction you'll recieve a PM spelling out the reason and how long the points last. Points also fall off after a month or 2 and we can side step all of this and go to an immediate permanent ban in about 10 seconds just like Steve/sgf1 just recieved. Oh I almost forgot, Goodbye Steve.

Thank You and Goodbye Steve.
Can you explain the points system? Is there a thread somewhere? Do you get notified if you get points?

You will get a PM if you get an infraction with points, 15 points and your banned . The number of points you recieve for in fractions depends on what the infraction is for,
the title said it all

my boss annonce me yesterday afternoon they dont need me anymore
the will get a tech advisor at 13$ per hour instead of me

I have one month after that I dont know what I will do
with 2 kids at home man I really dont know

What field are you in Crazy and are you a tradesman or university grad or what's your training in?
Sorry to hear, hope you find something seems like the trend continues, i'm so sick of good folks loosing jobs due to companys greed [gotta save money] while the exworker looses everything he worked for.
sorry to hear anyone losing job, good luck finding something even better than what you had
thanks to every one
i knew there will be good people and support from you guys

for those who wanna know or ask
Im or was assistant director at a service departement at FERD
dealer I work there for the last 8 years

at the beginning I was a tech advisor
and the was transfert to a new garage they built in the city of rimouski
1/2 hours from home they said they were needing there

after 2 1/2 years there they send me back to the old garage
where I live as the assistant director


thanks to the moderator who delete there post

one think I can say few people will understand and for others
who wanna know what it mean send me a pm


thanks Bob
Time for a change of scenery maybe? Come to Alberta where the economy has been on an up swing with the oilpatch being busy. Finding work out here is pretty easy now. Dealerships are doing ok again will all the oil boys being busy. A buddy of mine is a Salesmanager at a local Ferd dealership and they have been doing well.
If you are willing to try a career change, like oilfield, entry level jobs are abundant right now. I work in the directional drilling field of the patch and every drilling rig I go out to usually a man or two short handed. Starting wages on rigs start off at about $5000/month after taxes. Working a two week on and one week off schedule. All you need is a 1st aid ticket and H2S Ticket, both are 1 day courses costing maybe $300 tops.
Also, I know a few guys from out east who work this schedule and still live out east. Flights to work are cheap enough if you book in advance.
Theres lots of other services that pay pretty good in the oilfield for starting positions, but none as good as the pay and schedule of working on Drilling Rigs.
I missed what our member did for a living, but in CT, Pratt"s subcontactors will be hiring in advance of a build-up of work in the near future. Best of luck.
tres biens dit Bob!..... (well said BoB)...qui mange d'la marde....(.......)
Exactly the bean counters tell the bosses to outsource the jobs to contractors so they don't have to pay benefits and "save money".

It's "Rent an Employee"...

Sorry to hear. It's just like big companies. Use you till they don't need you and then kick you to the curb.

Being a bean counter for over 20 years .....I can tell you it is the HR Department that calls those shots not the accounting folks.
We quantify the savings but the plans are long in motion before we know about it.

Best of luck with your job search.