Low Band Apply



Well-Known Member
May 12, 2004
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When I had the TA reverse manual valve body put in my tranny (a 727 built by Select Performance), I was told that the valve body did not have "low band apply", and under no circumstances was I to let off of the gas when the tranny was in first gear. I was also told that I should start my burnout in 2nd gear and shift to 3rd, but don't touch 1st at all.

Since I've had this tranny that's exactly what I've done. In fact, when I'm motoring around the pits, or heading up to the line I put the tranny in 2nd gear and cruise around that way (not fast, of course). Pretty much the only time I use 1st gear is when I'm staged and ready to rock.

In this case, is my tranny safe from explosion from the low-band apply issue? Or am I just confused?

Trannsmissions are pretty much magic to me, I don't really understand a thing about them. I can tear and motor down and rebuild it or you could give me a handful of resistors and chips and I can build you a computer out of it, but no matter how much I read on the subject and look at things I just can't get the hang of transmissions...
Hi Mikel,

Thanks for writing. My intentions with posting the pics and information on the explosions are simply to make people aware of what can happen. I am not trying to scare anyone into not driving or enjoying their car if they are not applying the low/reverse band in 1st.

I couldn't guarantee anyone that they won't have a transmission explosion however, your chances of hurting the sprag are greater when you use a valve body that is not applying the low/reverse band in 1st gear.

You are doing everything correctly in terms of your burn out, and keeping it out of first gear as much as possible. How many runs do you have on the transmission? I would encourage you to update to a valve body that applies the low/reverse band in 1st at your next transmission freshen up.

Hope this helps,


P.S. - I'll have 4 possibly 5 of my transmissions out at Bandimere Spedway in Denver next year in cars going 10's or quicker. I have NEVER had one of my transmissions explode. :wink:
Duster346 said:
You are doing everything correctly in terms of your burn out, and keeping it out of first gear as much as possible. How many runs do you have on the transmission? I would encourage you to update to a valve body that applies the low/reverse band in 1st at your next transmission freshen up.

159 runs. Is that a lot? It's never been out of the car since it went in. I change the fluid 2 times before making any runs at the beginning the season, and again in the middle of the season.
159 runs. Is that a lot? It's never been out of the car since it went in. I change the fluid 2 times before making any runs at the beginning the season, and again in the middle of the season.

159 runs is not a lot if the transmission was built correctly. You should be able to get a few hundred runs easy before a freshen up. You have a PM, Mikel. :salut:

Duster346 said:
159 runs. Is that a lot? It's never been out of the car since it went in. I change the fluid 2 times before making any runs at the beginning the season, and again in the middle of the season.

159 runs is not a lot if the transmission was built correctly. You should be able to get a few hundred runs easy before a freshen up. You have a PM, Mikel. :salut:


And I saw it. You da MAN!

Like I said, I haven't had any problems at all with this tranny, so I'm assuming it's was built correctly. But like I said, trannys are magic to me, so I don't really know. ;-)
What's the difference between the valve body I have (T-A) and the one you're talking about? I mean, I know there's the low band apply issue... But what difference am I going to see if any?
Hi Mikel,

You will notice improved shifts with the A&A valve body over your old Turbo Action unit. Not to mention the fact I can sleep at night knowing that another Mopar racer is now applying the L/R band in 1st gear. :thumbup:


Duster346 said:
Hi Mikel,

You will notice improved shifts with the A&A valve body over your old Turbo Action unit. Not to mention the fact I can sleep at night knowing that another Mopar racer is now applying the L/R band in 1st gear. :thumbup:



Improved shifts? It shifts hard the instant I move the shift now, how can it get better than that?

Glad I could help you sleep. ;-)