Loyalty at all cost and 4 legs (mostly)

My 6 year old Great Pyrenees. She is a rescue i got from the local shelter.

Our 15 Year old Lhasa Opso Buddy..had him since he was 6 months old..He loved to travel when we were full time RVing. Last 6 months he has slowed way down suffering from arthritis and diabetes Just when we think we may have to make "that decision " he has wanted to play like he did as a puppy and we feel really good. We medicate him for his problems so he doesn't hurt any more than an old guy would. Never Loved a dog like him before.

While I never thought I'd defend a chihuahua, here I am doing just that....:lol:

Say hello to "Stinky". He actually smells fine, he was just a little gassy as a youngster. This dude really won me over after my pit mix passed away. He thinks he's a fifty pound dog. Absolutely fearless and loyal as hell.......


Thank you for showing us the pictures of all our bosses.

Oh yeah, some people too! :thankyou:
And sorry for the multiple chihuahua posts but the title of this thread got me thinking I'd share a story with y'all. I work with a dude who adopted this little chihuahua. When he found her she was severely beaten and tied to a street sign post. He found out after taking her to the vet he found that her back was broken. Some sorry POS did this to a little dog.
So, being the good dude that he is, he built her some back wheels to roll around on and adopted her. She has to wear a diaper and scoots around on her rear end as her back half is paralyzed. She's hilarious. Again, totally fearless.
My buddy lets her go for Harley rides in his jacket with him too.
I think it speaks highly of people's character when they go out of their way to save an animal that has virtually no chance. He's a good dude. He has a good sense of humor too. The dogs name is "maybe"! :rofl:

It's pretty cool when the loyalty goes both ways.

