meaning of Duster



Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2007
Reaction score
Fountain Hills, Az
Thought I'd look up on urban dictionary what Duster stood for.

1)this term refers to those unfortunate souls who usually only step on the ice with 14 seconds to go when your team was initially down 4-2 but gave up an empty netter to make it 5-2. The coach finally calls the "dusters" number and does so in a way that the duster feels like he is finally getting an opportunity to showcase the talent he doesn't really possess. Why the term duster? Cause this plug has been sitting on the bench the entire game.............Collecting dust. Always the worst player on team.

2)someone who is horrible at something, most likely a sport

3)Plymouth Duster; a sporty, faster version of the previous Valiant, which was an economy car.

4)A alcoholic drink that is clear and pink in color and is accessorized with a pink tampon swizzle stick.

5)Women who believes that she is extraordinarily attractive but is not
Back in the day, a duster was someone who cleaned your clock in a drag. As in, He really dusted you! Hence to reason the Plymouth was called a Duster. LOL Mike Oh yeah, I had my share of both ends of that!
sheet i got a bad *** duster i can carry my riot gun under like the old days. duster = long coat , that hides something badass. kinda like a duster with a 440
A really fast sailboat with extremely talented crew is called a Duster.

A legendary bucking horse of the 1930s, owned by rodeo owner Harry Rowell (World Champion bronc rider Pete Knight was killed after being trampled by "Duster").

In baseball, a brushback or possible beanball. is a Duster too.

I would say the word duster is bad @ss.=P~