Might wanna rethink that "As is" sale.........



Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2010
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In Spokane, the Gonzaga law professor and students didn't have anything better to do so.......


In my mind this does not teach what the law should be doing. This is not teaching the spirit, the meaning, the purpose of the law. This is teaching the "dirty tricks" the dirtiest, the filthiest, the lowest and the meanest. Is this REALLY what Gonzaga law school is teaching it's law students?


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it starts LONG before "law" school. law school just hones' the skill level.

lack of any kind of shame in this country from the cradle to the grave.

:prayer: to the almighty $$$$$$.

We've bought into the LIE that a Holy and Just God wants to:axe:

When in His Word it shows pure :heart: for mankind, whom He created.

Dust off that old Bible and search it for yourself, you will be amazed!

or start here http://calvarychapelmadison.com/media-ministry/sermons/message/luke-01-01-25/listen
wow... the students, their professor, the buyer, and the judge ought to all do jail time for fraud and wasting money..... good grief, this is completely out of hand!
It's unfortunate that Mr. Lewis didn't respond promptly and counter sue them for bringing up a nuisance lawsuit. They really need to be punished for this.
The man's a metal worker and a bus driver? He should go "Marvin Heemeyer" on their *** (look him up).
I didn't have to look Marvin up. I remember him. "Killdozer"

The whole deal is, this didn't cost the students, the court, the judge, or the professor, or the plaintiff a damnned thing. And even if the seller would have won this lawsuit, he would have lost plenty defending it. He would have lost plenty of money in fees, in lawyers fees, in lost wages and time, in mental stress.

This whole thing is bullshit. I'm seriously thinking of writing a letter of opinion to this lawschool. Is this REALLY what we need to be teaching young lawyers?
Needless harasment, for sure.
Just give me the boat back and I'll return your money if you aren't happy.
End of story?
I don't know the law in Washington, but I suspect this is a small claims matter (Magistrate Court in my state).
He could have challenged it and represented himself if he had accepted the service.
No fun for sure. But a judge may have awared him money for a counter claim.
In my state Magistrate judges are not even lawyers sometimes and have sympathy.

An engineer dies and reports to the Pearly Gates. St. Peter checks his records and, not seeing his name there, accidentally sends him down to Hell. It doesn’t take long before the engineer becomes rather dissatisfied with the level of comfort in Hell, and he soon begins to design and build improvements.

Before long, Hell has air conditioning, flush toilets and escalators. Needless to say, the engineer is a pretty popular guy. One day, God calls Satan and asks how things are going in Hell. Satan tells him, “Things are great. We’ve got air conditioning, flush toilets and escalators. And there’s no telling what this engineer is going to come up with next.

“What?” God exclaims: “You’ve got an engineer” There must be some mistake – he should never have been sent to Hell. Send him back here.”

“Not a chance,” Satan replies. “I like having an engineer on my staff, and we’re keeping him!”

God insists: “Send him back or I’ll sue!”

Satan laughs contemptuously and replies: “Yeah, right. And where are you going to find a lawyer?”
How do you tell when a lawyer is lying??? His lips are moving!
What's the difference between a dead lawyer in the road and a dead skunk in the road?? The skid marks are in FRONT of the dead skunk! :axe:
In the words of Don Henley... lets kill all the lawyers lets kill em tonight!!!
What do you call six drowned lawyers? A good start!!!
How do you think our country would be if lawyers were banned from public office?
How do you think our country would be if lawyers were banned from public office?

Judging from the big crash of 08, a hell of a lot better off. Coincidentally, there's a story on 60 minutes tonight about the stock market is rigged with behind the scenes "high frequency" computerized trading. Is this a surprise?