Millinials Have Done It Again

I honestly don't understand why anyone is concerned with what others call their choice of celebration at this time of year or how they chose to do it. It is their right to live their life the way they choose and call it whatever they like.
I am not arguing against your general sentiment at all but I think this is actually an example of intolerance on the part of the 're-namers'. This is not really about changing a name or doing as an individual pleases but is a matter of changing history and attempting to replace a culture.
It is not really millenials; this is typical of the religion haters and Humanists. Remember that Thanksgiving was kicked off by a religious group (the Puritans, who had their own tolerance problems) and the act of giving thanks was to God. So getting rid of that reference to God is one of the big objectives in things like this.
And of course, the hard Left is always looking to co-opt any such idea to destroy any old culture and replace it ultimately with their version of culture, centered around Marxist ideology.
I personally think that this will pass.