Minimum mating Surface for Intake and Cylinder Heads Runners



Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2019
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What's the minimum amount of surface contact area that the intake runners on the manifold should have matched onto the intake runners of a cylinder head before issues start occurring? Say you have a 500 hp race engine 360 motor. I ask this question cause I noticed that the edelbrock intake gaskets are much wider on the intake runners than a stock felpro intake gasket.
Just a guess but maybe the ports are/will be larger depending on application so they supply a larger gasket...I don't know what 500 hp means unless you are talking about custom porting being done which is almost a given since the cylinder head has the biggest effect on power. New cars use plastic intake manifolds with thin rubber gaskets.
My heads and intake are ported to use the felpro 1213
Contents Lower Intake.
Manifold Gasket Material Premium Quality Composite With Printoseal Sealing Beads.
Manifold Gasket Port Height 2.27 in.
Manifold Gasket Port Shape Rectangular
Manifold Gasket Port Width 1.16 in.