Missouri and food stamp program

one problem is lack of pride in people. it used to be considered honorable to be poor if you worked, but.... to be poor and sit on your *** was not acceptable. small town, small rural deep south Ga. county. everyone knew everyone and YOu or your family did not want to be considered " sorry"!

work and not have as much as others, .... be an honest, Christian person, (and no, you did not have to take any c*** off anyone, )..... in the eyes of most there , your money status made no real difference. yes, there was social status, but that's everywhere.

get up and work every day and you would be respected as a human being....
one problem is lack of pride in people. it used to be considered honorable to be poor if you worked, but.... to be poor and sit on your *** was not acceptable. small town, small rural deep south Ga. county. everyone knew everyone and YOu or your family did not want to be considered " sorry"!

work and not have as much as others, .... be an honest, Christian person, (and no, you did not have to take any c*** off anyone, )..... in the eyes of most there , your money status made no real difference. yes, there was social status, but that's everywhere.

get up and work every day and you would be respected as a human being....

This!! Look at pictures from the depression. You will see men in suits standing in line at the soup kitchens. Broke, no work, but still proud.
we as a country need to stop being so politically correct and tell it like it is.....its sad how we treat our vetrans and our elderly. there are good people out there that truly need some assistance help and i have no problem seeing them get it but the fraud is so great it makes me sick, we need a leader who will put an end to the fraud and make these lazy free loaders get off their lazy butts and contribute to society. i agree with the post about the obama phones and refugees and speaking english.....bottom line is this great country is losing its way and its jobs to mexico and china !!!!!

I for one am so tired of hearing this ...its not we need " A " leader, its not all this presidents fault, this garbage has been going on for some time.. its our senators and representatives fault that these things continue..I didn't vote for our current pres. or the idiot we had before him but you can't blame this guy for everything, some things but not everything.. my lord if he cured cancer the republicans would ***** that he put cancer researchers out of work ..its a two party system that should COMPROMISE for the good of the people they represent, when was the last time that happened.. put trump in and then you'll really see something special ..take it away mr moderator :protest::glasses7:
I for one am so tired of hearing this ...its not we need " A " leader, its not all this presidents fault, this garbage has been going on for some time.. its our senators and representatives fault that these things continue..I didn't vote for our current pres. or the idiot we had before him but you can't blame this guy for everything, some things but not everything.. my lord if he cured cancer the republicans would ***** that he put cancer researchers out of work ..its a two party system that should COMPROMISE for the good of the people they represent, when was the last time that happened.. put trump in and then you'll really see something special ..take it away mr moderator :protest::glasses7:

i'm not trying to head toward a political argument here, but like just mentioned....... our political system has ventured so far off course from when it was born. if Washington would pass legislation that is GOOD for the country first, and not special interests first,,,, that would be a start.

someone other day asked why are the REB against Trump? because.... he is not a politician. that simple. the Reb. will be far better off if a DEM wins, then the SYSYEM is not altered. politicians in charge,.... business as usual.

a couple years ago, a local retired vet ran for a state legislative position. he spent $10,000 of his money running, he lost.... the guy that beat him spent $250,000, not all his own. the vet asked, how in the heck can ya spend $250,000 running for a job that pays what? $35,000 !!!!!!! so even state leg. no doubt has the same corruption that Washington does, just on a smaller scale!!!!!

it makes the sorry a** that won't work and gets his food stamps look like an "angel"!!???? LOL
Yup, We've come a long way from. Ask not what your country can do for you, Ask what you can do for your country. Then along came LBJ

Where are we now anyway? Hey country - gimme, gimme, gimme And what's next?
back in '08 when we were on the edge of another Great Depression, I actually wondered if the general population would be better off to loss a lot of what they have, that is the extravagant homes and lifestyle, love of money, ....... I did not wish any bad times or hardship on myself or anyone. nor do I begrudge what anyone has worked for in their life.....

look at the Amish..... they lead a pretty basic but happy life. they have their faith and a set of rule for right and wrong. i'm sure these people are like the rest of the human race, they make mistakes,.... everyone of them I know are happy people ....

I guess what i'm saying is, sometimes less is more..... sometimes we have to lose some of what we have to appreciate any of it.......

I sometimes wonder what lessons were learned these last few years when for some people, jobs were scarce, some people we having their homes foreclosed on,

how many people say Grace at the dinner table, or teach their kids to say that blessing for the food we put in our mouths...... do we just take it for granted we deserve nourishment ?....... do our children understand where food comes from? what it takes to produce a mere loaf of bread?......I wonder.....